Montana wolf bills meeting tomorrow


Nov 2, 2021

If you live in Montana, and want to see increased wolf hunting opportunities, these two bills would do a lot.

At a minimum, write an email if this is important to you. An articulate voicemail is great too.
Good stuff! Thanks for bringing this up.

Do you have/know a "best" email address to write to in support of these bills?
Good stuff! Thanks for bringing this up.

Do you have/know a "best" email address to write to in support of these bills?
If you click on the links in the article they will bring you to the legislative page. If you recognize a representative from your area, obviously I’d start there. If not I think the committee President would be the next best thing.

Follow this link for the committee

you can create an account and leave the committee a message using the link above.

If you live in Montana, and want to see increased wolf hunting opportunities, these two bills would do a lot.

At a minimum, write an email if this is important to you. An articulate voicemail is great too.
The hard part about the expanding the wolf hunting is that the success rate is not high because the scarceness of actually seeing them. Also, while you're hunting, would you want to blow your opportunity of a big bull by shooting a wolf? They are a species that require quick response before you don't have a shot.
The hard part about the expanding the wolf hunting is that the success rate is not high because the scarceness of actually seeing them. Also, while you're hunting, would you want to blow your opportunity of a big bull by shooting a wolf? They are a species that require quick response before you don't have a shot.
I would make that trade every time.
I never said expanding the season would help the average guy hunt wolves, and I certainly don't care about that.
The quota is closed in my unit now, so nobody is hunting wolves. That's my issue.
It would also give every dork with a "smoke a pack a day" sticker on his truck no excuses to not be out there getting it done. Same for all the elk hunters who complain about predators but don't do anything about it.
Personally I think these types of bills are detrimental to the non/anti hunting public’s opinions about us. I understand the want/need for predator hunting to preserve ungulate populations or at the least prevent extreme predator prey cycles that are seen in snowshoe hares and lynx. However, the “triple S”, “only good wolf is a dead wolf”, “smoke a pack a day” comments and people give hunters a hell of a lot of bad press. I think we all need to at least think about this as being similar to “ballot box” biology. These legislative actions are not being recommended by the wildlife agencies. They’re being pushed by the public interest of hunters, outfitters, and ranchers. If we are so adamant about no ballot box biology that we have seen in CO, then I personally think that we need to be opposed to these types of bills as well. If this was backed or recommended through the game commission by FWP, then I would be more in favor; however, that is not the case and I find it extremely hypocritical that we people can be pissed off about the CO ballot initiative because it is not “based in science” but then support this type of bill that obviously is not based in science either.