Montana Unlimited Sheep Stolen


Jul 31, 2012
Beartooth Mtns, MT
As a fellow unlimited ram hunter I know the type of work he must have put into getting that trophy! I'm located in billings and will spread the word as we'll.
May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
I'm not making any accusations, but I don't think the wardens' suspicions are entirely crazy. If you killed a ram, called it in immediately, and then realized or became concerned that it might be sub-legal before you took it in to get sealed, wouldn't this be the easiest way out to keep your trophy and avoiding being ticketed? Or if you killed it and immediately realized it was sublegal, but you had an audience so you've got to keep acting like it is all on the up and up, you might call it in before figuring out a plan.

I'm guessing that FWP has seen people try to pull something like that in the past, and they have to be suspicious for the sake of due diligence.

I don't have a precise understanding of the how the whole process works (or the regs in the unlimited districts), but my guess is that's what the wardens are thinking. Again, to the OP, I'm not trying to make accusations or cast suspicion on your buddy. I can't imagine how sick I would be if someone stole a trophy like that from me.

Say that is true except the ram is turned in only to find out it was an inch short. What would be the penalty? It's not like we all get a chance to score rams every day and many are taken in less than ideal situations. I would think it happens occasionally, "yep that's an inch short." I would also think the penalty would be small enough to encourage folks to turn them in if it turns out to be a wee little bit short. It's not like you can release em and keep trying.

To OP hope your buddy gets his ram back.


Jun 20, 2013
Any word on this situation? I've tried finding updates on news websites, but haven't seen anything. Hoping it all worked out.
Feb 25, 2014
South Dakota
Hope they find who took it and get it returned to your buddy. Interested to see how things turn out. Did you end up getting a photo to pass around?