Bridgers is a perfect example of a place being completely beat down by MT hunting management. Tiny mountain range with easy to find and hunt deer. A decade before the permit was established, the quality was better and the hunting pressure lower than now. There are probably more elk hunters killing average sized mule deer bucks without permits than there were bucks killed in total in 70s and early 80s. Any bucks that live beyond a ripe old age of 3 have found safety living full time in a luxurious neighborhood where local morons are required to be more aggressive in their poaching tendencies.
Your statements about poaching are speculation, anecdotal, or evidence based? I don't doubt elk hunters kill some bucks illegally, but you're throwing around "numbers" that I don't think there is data for. And its not like the ones down in the safety of the subdivisions are sporting antlers like the deer were back in the good 'ol days. Something else is the problem.
I understand the premise of the proposal. But if anything, your post highlights all of the other difficulties in deer management and the FWP's lack of ability in execution. If the FWP cannot properly manage a "tiny mountain range" why should I be willing to give up opportunities everywhere else?
Also, the Bridgers are right outside of Bozeman. You're telling me they can't police it enough to allow the bucks enough breathing room to produce a FEW good heads a year? I have a hard time believing hunting pressure is the only thing holding MT deer back. Poaching is not unique to Montana.
And I'm not sure I agree with you that the Bridgers have "easy to find and hunt deer." Some places, yes. But there is a lot of public ground that is difficult to reach due to a lack of access through private land. Certainly there is enough to kick out a few good deer a year.
Other western states have shown us that once something like a general tag rut hunt goes away, it never comes back, even if the proposed "fixes" are really "flops."
I see this likely playing out as follows:
1) General tags no longer valid after October 31.
2) Deer quality goes up a slightly.
3) Idiot poachers and intentional poachers continue doing what they do best.
4) Lions, wolves, elk continue doing what they do best.
5) Habitat problems continue to exist.
6) No increase in overall size of deer legally harvested because October is the most difficult month out of the entire fall to kill a 4.5 year old + buck. Yes, there may be a few more of them around, but hunters won't actually kill any more because the additional opportunities provided by more mature bucks are offset by the fact that it is an October season.
7) FWP gives out perks to private landowners/special interests.
8) Hunting still sucks.
9) People start thinking that MORE restrictions are warranted since these ones didn't produce the desired results.