Going back and reading your posts, it seems that maybe you missed that whitetail and mule deer seasons would be separate? Each hunter would have to choose to hunt one or the other.
And the vast majority will choose Mule deer. So that doesn’t “help” the deer.
I think this might be why you're so adamant we need to "think about it", and almost everyone else who has read the proposal has agreed that it would help deer hunting pressure.
I’m not adamant about anything except that “trophy” hunters shouldn’t be the ones pushing decisions in every single state. The vast majority do not want what you purpose, and even if they did, what you are purposing will not reduce “pressure” or the amount of bucks killed.
It’s ignorance bred of no experience in other states that have “relieved pressure”. It doesn’t do that. It causes people to shoot the first legal deer they see. Then, because the seasons don’t overlap lots of people will hunt mule deer in october and elk in November- including me. I haven’t killed a MD in 6 years in MT, if this change happens I can all but guarantee that I will because I won’t be splitting my time between elk and deer- and everyone I hunt with in the same.
But I am also not going off of just my group- this has happened historically. This plan/proposal will only reduce time and options, while not “helping” the deer at all.
If the deer numbers are too low- stop shooting does- all of them. If that won’t bring the numbers back up, then stop ALL deer hunting for a couple of years until they return.
You keep claiming that each member only wants larger mule deer bucks to hunt..
So…. It’s not about more older bucks?
Well, guess what? If this season went enacted as-is (it won't) I'd likely never have a mule deer tag in Montana again. How does that fit in to you having a group of people you've never met so pegged?
It isn’t about being pegged- YOU ARE LITERALLY stung that this will result in older, more mature buck- are you not? If not- then what is the point? If that is the point, then IT IS about bigger bucks. You can’t have it both ways.
Why do people have such a hard time admitting that they don’t care about anything but “big bucks”? That is fine if you do- maybe that’s what I care about too. BUT I don’t in anyway believe that is for me to force on other people.
Or maybe you have met me? You won't even admit whether or not you’re a resident so I have no idea what your motives are,
Because where I live is a red herring. Where someone lives has nothing to do with whether your/y’all’s plan is a good one, or if it will even work to do what you think it will. It should be standing on its own merit.
However, I do disagree with removing November mule deer hunting. Montana residents enjoy it, in unit that most complain about there are enough deer once die tags stop being issued, and there are LE units for those that care about big buck. Also, this “plan” will not result in a healthier herd- you will absolutely have the same amount of people or more chasing them in October. Idaho has October seasons, and yet lots of little deer get killed and it hasn’t worked to “give them a break”.
Quite frankly either you, and/or the other members are ignorant of how people and seasons work, or you/they aren’t and you aren’t being honest- there isn’t a middle ground here.
Shifting mule deer seasons to Oct won’t change how many east and SE Montana little deer get killed. They will still get smoked by everyone. So yay, the only hung you’ve done then is reduce a very unique and cool hunt- mule deer in the rut.
and won't make something up, like you have been about us.
I haven’t made up anything- I have repeated and quoted exactly what has been stated in this thread. Your measures in this recommendation is for “helping” mule deer bucks- is it not?