Ok I'm going to stop being a smart a$$ and ask a legitimate question that I've asked in various places before without a legitimate response.
In any population there is a bell shaped curve that represents an average of whatever trait you happen to be focused on. This is no different with mule deer age class or elk antler size or how many spots are on a newborn fawn.
A big mature buck is not average and by definition, that quality that you are looking for is uncommon. In a natural state, big mature bucks are going to be difficult to find. Much like they are currently in Montana. Mediocre "average" bucks that are 3 points and smaller 4 points are not hard to find, hence being average. You are going to have to look hard for one and look over a number of "average" bucks to find an "above average" buck.
From what I see, the whole point of this proposal is to manage the deer in Montana for older age class, and numbers. By doing so the proposal is to limit hunting pressure and change the season dates. This results in less opportunity which is a word the proponents of the proposal don't like but its the fact.
As it stands right now, believe it or not but it is indeed possible to find a mature mule deer buck on public land. I have, consistently, in high pressure areas, without looking
that hard. Yes I put in some time and yes I leave the truck and hike from time to time, and no I'm not the best hunter in the world. If I can do it, so can anybody. By definition of the previously mentioned law of averages, every hunter shouldn't be able to expect to harvest an above average buck every year. It doesn't work that way.
I have been successfully hunting Montana as a resident for over 20 years. Yes I've seen an increase in pressure from residents and nonresidents alike. I have also seen fluctuations in deer populations from various causes. It happens. Deer numbers may currently be lower than a few previous years but all populations have fluctuations. They are not dying out. Last year I looked over well over a hundred does, and 30+ bucks before I found one I liked, this was over 2 days on public land in a general unit that is filled with drivable roads and other hunters. The numbers are fine.
You guys want to be able to drive roads, glass and pick over 180's to find a 200, even if that means you can only draw a permit to hunt them every 19 years.
@Formidilosus said, why does every state have to be managed for monsters so much so that nobody can ever have the chance to hunt them?
I agree that too much pressure is an issue but I would propose to address that with
regional caps,
limiting NR hunters, limiting access by closing a large percentage of BLM 2 track roads, and quit selling 6 doe tags per hunter.
@Greenhorn you seem to know how to hunt, we've all seen your photos,
@Randy11 I haven't seen your credentials but I am confident you're experienced as well.
So my question is, why are you guys so adamant to vote yourselves out of the opportunity for success even if you do have to exert a bit more energy than you would in other states (that take years and years to draw)? There are big bulls and big bucks killed in Montana every year in general units with over the counter tags by people who know how to hunt and hunt hard.
P. S. If this is all an elaborate ploy to put on a face to NR hunters that mule deer hunting in Montana is terrible so don't come here to hunt, somebody wink at me and I'll shut up.