Montana refund question

If anyone would like to join the locals in bashing me on this facebook group, come join the fun.

I skipped the draw in Montana this year. After reading some of these posts, that decision was probably smart.

Sorry for your problems and by the way,…, the check is in the mail. 🤪
Well I got a phone call from a 406 number just now.

It was FWP Director Worsech calling to apologize in person, and as the former head head of the licensing division, he felt it was wholly unacceptable. He said to call him personally again if I don’t get my check by next week. He was very personable and we chatted about a few issues facing MT and what they are doing to make things better in the future.

I also got an email back from Rep. Welch. saying he would be making some phone calls.

Needless to say I was impressed with both gentleman, especially Director Worsech. I’m not happy about the situation, but I am happy that these folks do genuinely care about what they do and the people they serve. Gives me a little bit of hope which I needed after much of the nonsense that’s been going on lately.

I know Director Worsech has made some unpopular proposals among the public land hunter crowd, ones that I personally disagree with, but I can say I respect the mans character and leadership.
Well I got a phone call from a 406 number just now.

It was FWP Director Worsech calling to apologize in person, and as the former head head of the licensing division, he felt it was wholly unacceptable. He said to call him personally again if I don’t get my check by next week. He was very personable and we chatted about a few issues facing MT and what they are doing to make things better in the future.

I also got an email back from Rep. Welch. saying he would be making some phone calls.

Needless to say I was impressed with both gentleman, especially Director Worsech. I’m not happy about the situation, but I am happy that these folks do genuinely care about what they do and the people they serve. Gives me a little bit of hope which I needed after much of the nonsense that’s been going on lately.

I know Director Worsech has made some unpopular proposals among the public land hunter crowd, ones that I personally disagree with, but I can say I respect the mans character and leadership.

I don't impress easily. That's impressive.
I called today and was told they sent refund checks out in two different groups and that checks are starting to come back now and that if I don't get a check by Wednesday to call in again they should have the returned checks sorted out and if mine isn't there they'll start the paperwork to issue a new one.
If anyone would like to join the locals in bashing me on this facebook group, come join the fun.

I ranted about this on another more gun centric website I’ve been a 15 + year member of a few days ago. I figured most of the responses would be “What the hell? Who sends checks in 2022?” and few “We know FWP sucks…” from residents.

Holy shit, the response I got were absolutely disgusting. Lots of “Good, stay the **** out of my state!” and the like, which is what I imagine shit is like on FB.

One guy blamed “all us NR” for never drawing a primo LE permit. I had to explain to him the tag I didn’t draw was the same he buys at Walmart day before the opener for $20, and he had about 10x higher odds of ever drawing that permit than a NR.

It was a display of ignorance and just downright ugliness that you had to see to believe.

We truly are our own worst enemy.
It baffles me the lack of understanding of people with their home state let alone guys that apply for multiple

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Well I got a phone call from a 406 number just now.

It was FWP Director Worsech calling to apologize in person, and as the former head head of the licensing division, he felt it was wholly unacceptable. He said to call him personally again if I don’t get my check by next week. He was very personable and we chatted about a few issues facing MT and what they are doing to make things better in the future.

I also got an email back from Rep. Welch. saying he would be making some phone calls.

Needless to say I was impressed with both gentleman, especially Director Worsech. I’m not happy about the situation, but I am happy that these folks do genuinely care about what they do and the people they serve. Gives me a little bit of hope which I needed after much of the nonsense that’s been going on lately.

I know Director Worsech has made some unpopular proposals among the public land hunter crowd, ones that I personally disagree with, but I can say I respect the mans character and leadership.
You do realize the only reason you got a call from the Director is cause he got his butt chewed on due to your emails to Welch. Good job though.
Still waiting here in NC too. I'm not big on name calling and fowl language but Shit show does seem like an understatement in this case. I really liked hunting in Montana but I'm wondering if they will ever actually sort this mess out?
Welch could come to my house and wash my feet and I would still think he is a walking piece of human trash.

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Yeah, I did notice he voted for the outfitter welfare changes that came about this year for NR tag allocation. We can agree to disagree on policy I guess but I’m glad he was receptive to taking care of a non-constituent when the state is messing things up.
Anybody got their prepaid envelope yet so they can mail back the tag they recieved for the draw they didnt win?

Never though I would be asking that question....what a shitshow.
Well I got a phone call from a 406 number just now.

It was FWP Director Worsech calling to apologize in person, and as the former head head of the licensing division, he felt it was wholly unacceptable. He said to call him personally again if I don’t get my check by next week. He was very personable and we chatted about a few issues facing MT and what they are doing to make things better in the future.

I also got an email back from Rep. Welch. saying he would be making some phone calls.

Needless to say I was impressed with both gentleman, especially Director Worsech. I’m not happy about the situation, but I am happy that these folks do genuinely care about what they do and the people they serve. Gives me a little bit of hope which I needed after much of the nonsense that’s been going on lately.

I know Director Worsech has made some unpopular proposals among the public land hunter crowd, ones that I personally disagree with, but I can say I respect the mans character and leadership.

Nice try Director Worsech…can’t fool us with your tomfoolery
We’ll finally have a letter coming today from MT FWP refunds per USPS informed delivery. Hopefully it’s a check and not tags. 😂