Montana refund question

Nothing here either. You would think they would get tired of lying to us. It don't give me much confidence in them. If I were hunting and lied to them about something I would be a criminal. Appears their standards are not very high.
Extremely frustrated with Montana FW. I've called every week for the past three weeks and every time they've said, "they were mailed out at the end of last week". Something smells fishy here.
Extremely frustrated with Montana FW. I've called every week for the past three weeks and every time they've said, "they were mailed out at the end of last week". Something smells fishy here.
Deer permit arrived today. Checks might be coming soon.
Still nothing here, we’ll see what my USPS informed delivery says. Fingers crossed for tomorrow! Of course my credit card payment is due today.😂
I did not get mine in Oregon yet. Tomorow, I am hoping.

To show what a basket case I am I just sent them another 630 bucks to apply for antelope, along with a cow elk B tag, and a mule deer doe tag.