Montana crazies, do they have grizzlies?

Sounds like a biologist confirmed they are in there at times. I would reach out to them and explain the specific area you plan to hunt to ease your mind and set your level of protection. Best of luck
A couple made it a little north of sheep Mtn last year or year prior and then disappeared. Always surprised they aren’t more established considering the proximity to established populations.
Yep. Video of at least one but there have been unconfirmed sightings for several years. I haven't seen one, or tracks. With the number of hunters in there last year for archery elk if there were a lot of grizz there would have been numerous reports.
At this point it is safe to assume there are grizzlies in every mountain range in Montana. Densities may vary greatly but the days of assuming you have zero percent chance of encountering a grizzly in certain ranges are behind us.
At this point it is safe to assume there are grizzlies in every mountain range in Montana. Densities may vary greatly but the days of assuming you have zero percent chance of encountering a grizzly in certain ranges are behind us.
You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning after winning the lottery than seeing a grizzly in the Crazies. Biologists love to tell everyone there’s a “chance” of seeing them everywhere.