Two Lucky young hunters. 24 shots to stop a grizzly attack!

i would imagine he picked up his buddy's 10mm and used that, since his buddy was pre occupied with the bear trying to eat him.
It is easy to criticize his marksmanship sitting at a computer rather than feet from a mad 530 lb Grizzly.
I am betting even the best shot gets a little shaky in that situation. I am sure the Bear wasn't standing still.

Bear dead, Friend alive. I would call that a success after I changed my underwear
“Because it’s illegal to shoot a grizzly bear as they’re protected under the Endangered Species Act unless it is in self-defense, IDFG conducted a complete investigation, concluding that Hill and Meyers did not break any law.”

Is it sad I sorta expected them to not get off with a quick investigation?
Good for them - it could have been much worse.

A bear has a small brain and that makes a small target.

The kid with the 45 ACP must have an old soul - I like that. :)
I carry a 45acp but it's loaded with 45 Super 250gr hard cast doing just over 1100 fps.
Monster of bear. Props to those young men for keeping their cool and saving each others lives. Damn thing ate 24 bullets that’s wild