I took my 17 year old looking for a deer this morning. We drove an hour and a half and signed into block management just before daylight. The plan was to glass from the truck early then hike whether we found deer or not.

I spotted 3 deer on a ridge a couple miles away but they'd disappeared by the time I got the spotter out. However, a fourth deer came over from a different direction and dropping into the same coulee. I could not tell anything about a rack but was pretty sure that it was a buck by the way it walked and acted. There was nothing to do but start hiking.
I thought I was glassing about a mile but OnX showed that it was over two miles. By the time we'd hiked across a giant wheat field then up the ridge, I was able to spot 4 does and two little fork horns bedding closer to the mouth of the coulee. We circled high to get the wind and look for more deer. We only found 3 more does and another little buck, so we headed back towards the first group hoping there was a better buck bedded close by that I couldn't pick out.
We finally bumped the does but the bucks were still tucked in at the bottom of the coulee and didn't know anything was up. We got to within about 40 yards before they stood up. I was hoping there was a third, but only the two little guys were there.
Boyd has previously killed three whitetail does, one little whitetail buck, one decent mule deer buck, and one cow elk. When we had first found the two little bucks an hour earlier, I thought Boyd would probably shoot one of them, but we'd covered 3.5 miles by the time we got to them and had 2.5 miles back to the truck. I'm glad Boyd had already decided that they weren't worth the trouble it would be take to get one out. These are the first deer that he's passed on.

They were tucked in to the left of the big rock in the bottom, just behind the smaller one up to the left. We couldn't see them until they stood and wouldn't have known they were there if we'd not glassed them earlier. They stood there looking at us in typical young mule deer fashion. I suppose wondering how we got there.
This is a look back once we started back to the truck.
I'm on my own tomorrow since Boyd has to work. I'll probably look for an elk, but I've got two bird dogs that haven't been out yet this fall and a third that wants to go again.