Mono pass through?

Glad to hear it. Estimate on the percentage of those that were pass through shots?

50/50 probably. Beyond 250 yds it was "common" to find the bullet on the offset side just under the hide.

My daughter shot an offrange oryx one year in NM at 305 yds using her .270 and a 150 gr ABLR. Shot was quartering towards and she hit the neck vertebrae breaking the neck and took out the top of the lung and the bullet ended up somewhere in the abdominal region.

The bullet below is one we recovered under the hide.

Also, are there any factory load options for the Hammers?

Unknown Munitions loads them. I've never had any meat damage outside the immediate wound channel on several dozen animals I've personally killed or guided guys to.

Also you're more likely to have MOA or better accuracy with hammers than any other factory offering I've used; most rifles "like" them.
Unknown Munitions loads them. I've never had any meat damage outside the immediate wound channel on several dozen animals I've personally killed or guided guys to.

Also you're more likely to have MOA or better accuracy with hammers than any other factory offering I've used; most rifles "like" them.
Hammers are overrated bigtime. Take this BS to LRH.
Hammers are overrated bigtime. Take this BS to LRH.

Weird that the bullet another adult uses to hunt would strike a nerve for you like that. Wonder if there could be some specific reason you dislike them strongly enough to jump into a thread by personally attacking a member you've never talked to?

My experience is that I've killed a pile of animals from Texas to Alaska at ranges from 50 to 400 yards with them, with excellent terminal performance in every instance. If you think that sucks, you're welcome to that opinion.
That second bullet looks like it performed perfectly, both managed to use all their energy in the animal.

I’ve never used hammer bullets, but as a mono only hunter I’m looking hard at them in 6mm for a howa mini in 6 arc I am toying with rather than LRX (worried about impact velocity on the latter). It sounds like most people that use them like the performance.

Downside appears to be inflated BCs, and as indicated above they have not gotten the hive mind approval here.

Hendershots loads hammers in various calibers. Not cheap, but not that bad either.

I bought their 405 Winchester TSX load last year.
Weird that the bullet another adult uses to hunt would strike a nerve for you like that. Wonder if there could be some specific reason you dislike them strongly enough to jump into a thread by personally attacking a member you've never talked to?

My experience is that I've killed a pile of animals from Texas to Alaska at ranges from 50 to 400 yards with them, with excellent terminal performance in every instance. If you think that sucks, you're welcome to that opinion.
Didn’t you know, we circle j**** to .223 TMKs here. Thousands of posts worth of material, oh the photos.
Weird that the bullet another adult uses to hunt would strike a nerve for you like that. Wonder if there could be some specific reason you dislike them strongly enough to jump into a thread by personally attacking a member you've never talked to?

My experience is that I've killed a pile of animals from Texas to Alaska at ranges from 50 to 400 yards with them, with excellent terminal performance in every instance. If you think that sucks, you're welcome to that opinion.
I hate the owner. 🤷🏻‍♂️. I seriously can’t stand steve and his partner.
I've been shooting Barnes for close to 30 years, killed my Billie this fall with 137 Hammer. Probably 30% of the Barnes stay in an elk in my experience and that is all close range stuff. Longest shot I have taken on an elk is 140 yards. Bullet placement makes more of an effect on blood trail than bullets do. Shoot an elk high thoracic cavity and the only blood you will get is what is in the ribcage meat where the bullet goes through until the cavity fills with blood released by the destroyed lungs and leaks out.
Another option is the swift A-frame . I have no personal experience with them but they probably have the best reputation for deep penetration,at least for lead bullets.
4 animals this year with the 145 LRX out of my 7 SAUM.
- Bull elk 415 yards
- Whitetail buck 350 yards
- Whitetail buck 580 yards
- Mule deer buck 315 yards

All were pass throughs. Most impressive was on the elk. First shot through lungs and he was standing and looking sick. He was now quartered to me and I put another in him at the very front of the shoulder to put him down for good. When quartering, I saw the second shot had exited just in front of the opposite hind quarter. Seemed like a lot of elk to pass through.
Nice. How much do the petals fan out on the Hammers? With a broadside shot directly behind the shoulder, is it likely a petal or two will break off and damage meat in the offside shoulder or backstrap?
Given the correct velocity, it’s likely all of the petals will shear off. I’ve killed a couple dozen animals with Hammers. Meat damage is not a concern. Neither is killing efficacy.

Forgot to add, I’ve recovered quite a few Barnes bullets, although many of them were from a .338-06. Regardless, everything i shot with them died. Fairly quickly.