Money Market Account


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
I use the Schwab one week money market funds currently at 5%+/-.

worth noting, these MM are made up of different bonds- the corporates pay a slightly higher rates than the Gov backed but I prefer the US Treasury backed funds.

Its true the current US gov is spending like a drunken sailor which is driving up the US deficit. The CBO just raised the projection on US deficit buy 47% from just a few months ago- not good for sure.

That said, the US treasury market is far from any kind of collapse.

Gold and digital assets have been on a tear lately. I don’t understand people buying gold for a STHF event. What are you going to do with a gold bar- buy food?
Dec 27, 2015
Japan props up their economy with US bonds, the US has no fallback guy to prop their economy up with, the biggest buyer of US debt was China and China has slowed their bond purchases. Once the US cannot pay their debts they will default, like they did after nixon got off the gold standard. The issue is this time there is an alternatice, i.e. BRICs.
You're 40 years from any kind of accuracy.
I am entertained, though....