Merry Christmas to yourself?

I hadn’t thought about them as gifts to myself but I guess they kind of are…I got a few off-road things for my truck, straps, shackles, hitch mount, etc. Im not into off-roading in the extreme sense, just trying to add some pragmatic kit since I do get out on occasion and always felt kinda ill-prepared.
Exo K4 system
New Mathews bow all set up

We were going to buy a freeze dryer, but she said, "How much would we really use it?" I told her how much one freeze dried meal costs, and she's thinking about it.

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I bought myself a new coat from First Lite. Not something I'd usually buy for myself but it was on sale for a bunch off.
I Crack up when my wife asks what she got me for Christmas.
Picked up a Pecron e1500lfp solar generator to run my diesel heater for my tent.

Picked up a rolling lifetime 55 cooler yesterday. Perfect size for a boned out deer and ice.
We bought ourselves a new home gym and a new treadmill (sold the old ones). I bought her some heated socks because she is always cold, some trinkets and health stuff. I bought enough stuff for me over the year that I really didn't need anything. She did buy me a 16oz wide mouth thermos for soup and stew while sitting in a blind and some of the usual snacks and such.


Nothing special. Hunting clothes and power tools.

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Bought a couple cell cameras.

I bought a couple 1.5 man, 21’ ladder stands on sale. Don’t need them but got two for the price of half of one so I did it anyway. Never know.

I’m going to pick up a new Ruger RXM Friday. Anxious to get it.
Ordered a few pounds of ramshot grand the other day. I’ve been wanting to try it but never got around to getting some. Now I can “play” around and see how it works out.
bought myself a quail hunt at a local preserve. not wild quail, but as close as I will ever get again. wasnt gonna but the guy I grew up bird hunting with died so this is gonna be special one