MeatEater season 11 drops 10/26 but only on their site

Standby…. Has Steve increased or decreased his reach by splitting with Netflix?

With the show disappearing from Netflix and all the episodes now only available (that i am aware of) on his own site, he has intentionally focused the operation to sell products to the initiated or soon to be initiated.

And to be honest, I haven’t seen much recent work outside of the standard hunting world, but maybe I’ve missed it.
It's on Youtube. I'm not sure if it's all the episodes but I've been watching Mark Kenyon's stuff on there. Meateater podcast is free.
Did anybody else notice the content carousel on the homepage of their site went from “season 11 episode 1 - out now! Steve and Evan chase Sitka Blacktails” then rotated to “Steve’s blacktail gearlist” which is a shorter video where he goes over some of the gear he used in the episode and below it there are links to purchase the items.

The ability to do this, to draw viewers to their website and then drive engagement to their web stores, is a very effective sales funnel and a compelling reason to ditch Netflix and self-host their own content. It is also a good reason to release episodes once a week vs an entire season or as part 1 / part 2. Viewers will be hungry for more content, but they can’t binge the next episode so they will watch the gear list video. And before you know it you’ve bought a new pair of Lacrosse Alphabury boots in First Lite Fusion.

I imagine the revenue for selling all the gear must be much higher than whatever Netflix was paying them. At least that’s the gamble. They bought up all those companies, investors want their returns.

Good bad or indifferent that’s just my interpretation of the situation from a business perspective.
Love or hate Meateater; doesn't matter. Steve is a damn smart businessman. He saw a niche, exploited it and is now arguably the biggest name in hunting/fishing. I personally watch his shows purely for entertainment, just the same as Jeopardy or Yellowstone. I do have some FirstLite products and it's quality gear. I didn't buy it because MeatEater says so, but his marketing tactics did bring my attention to his product lines.
some of you guys choose weird hills to die on. Meateater is making a living. If they don't, they're not putting out content. Thats the gig. people wanna whine about what he was wearing? Despite what he was wearing and hocking, if you think Steve is a glamor hunter, you haven't seen or heard his stuff.

I don't agree with some of their points of view, but choosing to check out because they took a celebrity hunting is a dumb reason.

Enjoy the show for what it is, entertainment. Enjoy the conservation aspect when you can, but the reason he has a conservation impact is because he makes money with gear and the show. it's not that difficult.
Is it evil to make money off the outdoors? Was Fred Bear an outdoor whore? What about Leupold? Do you think they would be any different if they were alive today? What's the difference between having a youtube channel, tv show, hunting magazines or DVD's? Calls, bows, clothing, optics, they all profit from hunting. They also promote hunting.

What I see are a bunch of guys in western states that are all butt hurt because they finally have hunting pressure. I've hunted public land in PA almost all of my life. Cry me a river.
Are you comparing Fred bear and meat eater? I’m embarrassed for you…
Are you comparing Fred bear and meat eater? I’m embarrassed for you…
you mean the guy whacking deer at 100 yards with poison pods and a longbow and videotaping it?

Believe what you'd like to believe, and see it thru whatever lens you prefer. But Fred Bear would get CANCELLED if he were around today.
you mean the guy whacking deer at 100 yards with poison pods and a longbow and videotaping it?

Believe what you'd like to believe, and see it thru whatever lens you prefer. But Fred Bear would get CANCELLED if he were around today.
You sound like the millennials trying to tear down statutes in the south. It was a different time and your 2022 beliefs on ethics don’t apply to the 1940s.

Fred bear was an inventor, manufacturer, and a hunter. He started bear archery in the 1930s I believe. He’s also credited with a bunch of inventions we still use today in the archery world. Remind me again what meat eater has done? I guess they made a 300 dollar boning knife…
You sound like the millennials trying to tear down statutes in the south. It was a different time and your 2022 beliefs on ethics don’t apply to the 1940s.

Fred bear was an inventor, manufacturer, and a hunter. He started bear archery in the 1930s I believe. He’s also credited with a bunch of inventions we still use today in the archery world. Remind me again what meat eater has done? I guess they made a 300 dollar boning knife…
I'm not trying to tear anything down. You're the old timer crapping on "todays youths" kinda thing. Your line of decensy and your opinion is drawn somewhere between Bear and Rinella. That's fine. That's what's great about opinions, they're yours. I just have the ability to discern a little bit about what today is, and what yesterday was.

They're the same kinda people, just 90 years apart. If you can't see that, then you don't want to.

I put NO faith in Steve Rinella as a person. Because people always let you down. But both guys are doing a lot of good for the out of doors. Just in different eras.

I'll get off your lawn now.
I still think American buffalo is up there with my all time favorite books, and the original episodes were good. Now they are just about taking celebrities on hunts.

With that said the spot burning meat eater does on such a scale deserves a prison sentence in my world, but I’m just a peasant.

These are just opinions in this thread nothing more nothing less. Not like anyone from there is reading this and think gee we are this big mega corp sell out machine now buying landowner tags to make more episodes all the while flooding public lands with adult onset hunters putting stress on wildlife. We should cancel the show that pays our investors!

And whether you love him or hate him, or are indifferent, we (hunters) are going to need people like that. We are going to have to have people who can talk to anti-hunters without yelling and getting red-faced and resting on arguments of "I've always done it" or "its a right" (whether it is or not). Many here aren't capable of that. We certainly don't have many who can do that on a large scale.
I'm not concerned about "anti hunters" anymore. I'm more concerned about "too many hunters" in the field and not enough opportunities or game to go around. These shows do more harm than good now imo.
With that said the spot burning meat eater does on such a scale deserves a prison sentence in my world, but I’m just a peasant.
You think his spot burning is bad, wait till you turn on youtube and see all the public land guys on there that make zero effort to conceal where they are.

We went from hating shows that just hunted private land with outfitters because it wasn't relatable, to now realizing (too late) that these guys exploiting public land for their living ain't that great for us either.
You think his spot burning is bad, wait till you turn on youtube and see all the public land guys on there that make zero effort to conceal where they are.

We went from hating shows that just hunted private land with outfitters because it wasn't relatable, to now realizing (too late) that these guys exploiting public land for their living ain't that great for us either.
I've messaged guys on YouTube "giving away spots" to please stop. Their excuse was "I didn't see a buck anyways". 🧐🧐. Absolutely no consideration for the future of hunting or others.
I've messaged guys on YouTube "giving away spots" to please stop. Their excuse was "I didn't see a buck anyways". 🧐🧐. Absolutely no consideration for the future of hunting or others.
They have no consideration because after they ruin one area they have the ability to just move on to the next state with their sponsorship/youtube money. I think after awhile people will start to catch on and not being consumers of their product, once they blow up your spot you're a little less likely to give them attention.
You think his spot burning is bad, wait till you turn on youtube and see all the public land guys on there that make zero effort to conceal where they are.

We went from hating shows that just hunted private land with outfitters because it wasn't relatable, to now realizing (too late) that these guys exploiting public land for their living ain't that great for us either.

Oh I know. The best one I’ve ever seen (best I mean dumbest) is a famous UFC fighter and his best friend killed two bucks in two different premium zones with tags valid for one premium zone. Took me all of 10 minutes to pinpoint exactly (and I mean exact) where they were because it’s an area I frequent and info they told over 70K viewers and the packer they used. I reported it a few years back to DFG hotline, never heard back from the warden. Spot burner and a poacher.
I like that Meateater is taking control over some of their stuff again. They're using different gear and taking control of their content. Sure they're going to still use all the stuff they own, but optics, packs, etc. seem to be more open now.

Also, good, bad, or indifferent, it seems like these past few seasons have involved a lot of guides and private land, which is a break from the public land gig they started out on.

And I still like all the cooking they do at the end of the show