Despite the fact that the "science" isn't exactly rock-solid, I had 2 takeaways that really shouldn't be all that controversial.
-Tune your arrows to your bow. You don't have to do it with the goal of getting some heavy, ultra-extreme FOC setup, but I'm always irritated by the number of hunters who go in to the woods and don't take the time to practice and make sure they have a setup that works. They shoot their broadheads once or twice and as long as they can "hit a dinner plate at XX yards" they call it good enough.
-Use quality arrows and sharp broadheads. Why not give yourself every advantage going in? and at a minimum make sure you're spending the time shooting and practicing with your setup (see above....). and forget FOC/weight, I think being able to re-sharpen and re-use high quality steel broadheads is appealing. That was my main motivation in trying some cutthroats this year.