MEAT your maker products

I just did 20 lbs of sausage with my 0.75 hp Meat! grinder and 16" vac sealer. I've had both for about 2 years and love them. Definitely a big step up from the cheap sealer and mixer attachment grinder I previously used. I could see going to the 1 or 1.5 hp grinder if I did a ton of ground meat at one time but I usually spread out my grinding throughout the year as needed. If you can pick one up during their sales, I think they are an excellent value.
i usually do a few hundo pounds of meat grind per year. I use the MEAT! #32 grinder because they didn't have the #22 at the time

I bought their biggest chamber vac too. Its pretty much amazing. I can vac seal liquids. It'll seal 2 quart bags at the same time with the size of the seal bar
I definitely recommend their products. I have the .75hp and have run a mule deer and 2 elk through it and it worked flawlessly. I bought it on Black Friday for $450. I also have their slicer, jerky gun, and sausage stuffer.
I have the .75 grinder, stuffer, external vac seal and the tape dispenser. Took the gears out of the stuffer in the first year and it was replaced. Been happy with everything so far.
Been eyeballing them myself. Debating theirs vs the Cabelas brand.

Anyone know why the 3/4 HP meat your maker is cheaper than the 1/2?
I got a grinder with the foot pedal, does all the normal stuff plus chicken drumsticks and thighs with bones and all for the dog. I've only had it a year but it's done well so far.
I have their biggest chamber vac sealer and their biggest meat grinder(wanted a #22, but they didn't have one at that time)

So far i'm happy with performance. The grinder has eaten about 15 deer and I've never had an issue.. The vac sealer is used frequently for setting food up for the freezer
Bought the 1/2 horse grinder last year, and put 4 deer through it. Never slowed it down with partially frozen chunks. Even used it to make 25 pounds of breakfast sausage (mixed with pork fat). I'd recommend them.
I bought a cheap slicer from them. It’s effective but not great, but it was cheap lol. It does ok with partly frozen meat don’t think it would work with fully thawed meat.
I have the 1.5hp grinder and it is great, but extremely heavy. Have had it 2 years but have only ground about 50 lbs of meat so far, which is nothing for this thing. It flies through the meat. All stainless steel is low maintenance.

I just got the medium oil pump chamber vac sealer and after a little learning curve it is working well. I have only packaged 1 deer with it so far so far but I look forward to it's longevity given the oil pumps are supposed to be robust. Leaps and bounds better than a foodsaver style vacuum. I was just wrapping in plastic wrap and paper to avoid the foodsaver style. Ground was going in the little tubes, which actually was not too bad after 1yr frozen, but doesn't stack as easy as flat bags and takes 3x longer to thaw.
I run the MEAT! 1hp Dual Grind and the 16" External Vacum Sealer. Really like both. Both are built well. The grinder is fast and one pass through it is plenty. The setup has cut my process time in half. Get the foot pedal for the grinder if you process alone.
We did the grind of a deer last night. It took 15 minutes. Previous grinder would have taken an hour. Got the MEAT! 1 HP. Great quality and probably more than we need, but glad to have it!