Meat Mixer for Cabela's Grinder?

i do a large grind then mix things up again and do a fine grind. It just tends to mix the fat that I add to the meat better. After the first grind there are usually big chunks of fat still separate from the venison. This probably would not be a problem if i cut my chunks smaller and was not lazy and mixed things better to start but with the bigger grinder i can run pretty large chunks of meat through it so .... the second grind works great. Also if I am doing sausage i do a rough grind, add my seasoning then do the fine grind. Not sure if that is the correct way but its the way I learned and it seems to work.
Makes sense. I do not add fat to hamburger, so that would remove the need for a second grind. When we make sausage I cut the chunks (meat and fat) pretty small and then mix the seasoning in with the chunks and mix really well. We then set in the fridge overnight, place in the freezer for an hour or 2 before grinding, and then grind a single time on the fine blade. It has worked really good without the PITA that is the 2nd grind.
All good to hear. I called LEM to ask if they were compatible, or if they made a coupler/converter... First thing out of the ... Bit**es mouth "that will void the warranty"... Really, that's your effort to gain new customers?
I'll feeling motivated to start making couplers, but for which mixer? I want; A. At least 25lbs. in a batch. B. tilting hopper.

So it's her fault you asked if their product worked on someone else's?
Since I have the older style Cabelas grinder in a size 8 and the newer style Carnivore in size 32 I decided to buy the Cabelas 50 pound commercial-grade mixer to take advantage of already having the motors. On a positive, both grinders will attach to the mixer. On a very big negative, after using less than 5 minutes the main bearing froze on the thing. Unfortunately I had purchased it almost a year before using it so warranty is out of the question. Not like the Cabelas of old for sure. Anyways I replaced the bearing myself and it seems to be working fairly well on 25 pound batches. As a heads up though, if you try to mix a 10lb batch it doesn't really mix at all.
Reporting back after finally using the Guide Gear 7 Gallon mixer with my Cabela's 3/4HP grinder....
It worked perfectly, and I'm pretty happy about it. It was easy using the threaded feet and lining up to the grinder to mate the gears together. I ran it for about 12 minutes total mixing 10# of meat and had no issues at all.
I will add that the finish on the Guide Gear mixer is pretty "rough" and I hope to find some time to do some polishing on it. I did heavily coat the hopper and paddles with olive oil which seemed to help a lot. Clean up wasn't that bad and didn't find that any meat really wanted to stick to it.