@mtwarden on my post were on the Ambient Hoodie. In Stika's defense: they say this is NOT normal and are sending me another piece to test. In fact, of the dozens of folks I know who own the Ambient Hoody- no-one has this issue. Definitely don't take my experience as the norm as of yet.
I do have the MDWi with 30D face-fabric too. No issues, but also haven't had it out like I have the hoody. I too use it for multiple outdoor activities, so I hear you when you say you want durable.
I intentionally drug that same Ambient through things I shouldn't have to test it for a review I'm writing and had zero issue- no tears, no piling on those spots even.
If you were apt to compare it to something from Arc'Teryx, I would suggest the Proton Hybrid Hoodie (former Proton LT). Their insulation (they call "Octaloft") is almost identical though much more on par with the MDWi as far as thickness vs the Ambient Hoody (much thicker). The face fabric on the Proton definitely seems less paper thin and has some reviewers rubbing it on rocks in an effort to rip it. They were unsuccessful....which is quite impressive.