McGuire Ballistics field and terminal reports

That wasn’t exactly what I asked. But OK, let me be more specific…

So assuming same caliber, there is only a .5 gr difference between the two types? Only a half grain of difference between say a 30 cal single feed and a 30 cal mag feed bullet?
No, all caliber weights are held to .5 of tolerance. Most are within +-.1GR Mag feed and single feed. I will weigh some tomorrow and put up.
Which bullet was shot at 600+ yards and from what? Those appear to be two different bullets. And that Hunter wins an award for the strangest elk hanging technique!
Sorry ,7mm Remington Magnum and a 143GR Copper Rose Single Feed. The other bullet is a 6MM that failed to expand during impact testing and tumbled.
Yes and yes
This is a gel test that we did with a 6.5PRC and 125GR CRMF at 100 yards. Shows bullet disruption and how back of bullet stayed on straight line through nose forward. I'm not an expert in tumbling bullets but when I have seen it during testing the rarely stay on a straight line and can be very erratic directionally. That is our copper bullets. I'm not making a statement on other bullets.
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No, all caliber weights are held to .5 of tolerance. Most are within +-.1GR Mag feed and single feed. I will weigh some tomorrow and put up.
Interesting. So a .1gr weight difference makes for a 2-300 fps difference in min expansion velocity?
Interesting. So a .1gr weight difference makes for a 2-300 fps difference in min expansion velocity?
These bullets have a hollow space behind a closed nose. The wall thickness/length of that hollow dictates the single feed verse mag feed designation. Now, the wall thickness doesn't have to be uniform, so you can play with steps or tapers of the wall to get outside dimensions to be equal with a different shape to the internal cavity. It's a clever design, IMO.

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How thick do you picture copper needs to be in one small portion of a bullet to avoid getting crushed in a mag under recoil? How much do you imagine that copper weighs?
I honestly have no idea. Despite the appearance, those are genuine questions with no hidden agenda.
These bullets have a hollow space behind a closed nose. The wall thickness/length of that hollow dictates the single feed verse mag feed designation. Now, the wall thickness doesn't have to be uniform, so you can play with steps or tapers of the wall to get outside dimensions to be equal with a different shape to the internal cavity. It's a clever design, IMO.

Ok now we’re getting somewhere. That wording provides a good visual.
Ok, yeah that makes sense. But why is everyone other than the manufacturer the only ones directly answering these questions?
I'm Sitting on the couch sick as a dog defending the internet today. Maybe Sam was working or some shit.
Ok, yeah that makes sense. But why is everyone other than the manufacturer the only ones directly answering these questions?
The same reason everyone understands the bullet weight difference but you 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 sometimes people are better explaining things in words than others. Some people understand those words better than others.
The same reason everyone understands the bullet weight difference but you 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 sometimes people are better explaining things in words than others. Some people understand those words better than others.
Except no one ever explained there was a bullet weight difference, until I pried.