max distance with 5 pins

Mar 9, 2012
Reno, NV
Hey guys please excuse my greeness if this is a dumb guestion. I was reading through the comfortable distance thread and a lot of you are saying you are comfortable shooting game at 80 yards and even practice out to 140 yards. With my 5 pins I max out at 60 yards. How are you guys shooting 80-140? Does everyone shoot 7 pins? One pin sliders? What can I do to be able to shoot those longer distance with my 5 pin? Or do I need a new sight?

Personally I shot a 5 pin with success for years. Set it up for 20-60 yards.

When it was "time" to upgrade I went to a 3 pin slider for many of the reasons stated on other threads.

The slider allows me to PRACTICE at longer distances, be extremely confident with the 40/50 yard shots, but I would still never shoot at large game at 80+ yards as there is simply too much risk of making a non lethal shot on the animal.
If you don't shoot a slider you need to Lear how to stack your pins. Meaning put 60 on the spot, look were your 40 is and move your 60 to that point. Pins don't stack mathematically either as pin gaps are increasing the farther you go beyond your last pin. Most bows with decent speed will be 92 or 93 yards stacking a full stack, 60 to 20.

I shoot a slider for hunting, but 5 fixed for tournaments. Tournaments around here max out around 110-115, so learning to stack is critical.
I am shooting a 7 pin slider so 20-80 I am fixed pin and 90+ I utilize the slider using my bottom pin 140 is my max using pin because of clearance from fletching to sight
You need a multi-pin slider sight if you want to shoot past 70 with accuracy IMHO. I know guys who use up to 9 pins and I find their sight picture cluttered. I use the 5 pin leathal weapon max by sure-loc. great sight.
Hey guys please excuse my greeness if this is a dumb guestion. I was reading through the comfortable distance thread and a lot of you are saying you are comfortable shooting game at 80 yards and even practice out to 140 yards. With my 5 pins I max out at 60 yards. How are you guys shooting 80-140? Does everyone shoot 7 pins? One pin sliders? What can I do to be able to shoot those longer distance with my 5 pin? Or do I need a new sight?


How far are you going to shoot for hunting? You don't need to shoot at 100 yards to be more accuarte at 60. Just make a smaller bullseye at 60. Instead of aiming at a 3 inch circle/spot make it an inch. Don't get me wrong shooting at long distances can be a blast but if you don't have a spot to shoot that far or a sight that doesn't slide it isn't a necessity to shoot long distances. Most Olympic shooters practice at 7-10 yards because it is doable in a hotel room. They just use a smaller bullseye.
Thanks for info guys. For now I have a 5 pin fixed sight. I will practice the stacking technique but I dont know if that will practical for hunting as it seems I would need a reference point beyond the target to be able to move my pin too. I was also thinking that I may never get a 20 yard shot so maybe set my 5 pins 30-70? Any thoughts on that?I cant imagine taking a 100 yard shot in the field, I believe 70 would be about max.
30 - 70 would be fine....if you had a 20 yard shot, you probably are not much more than holding 30 four or five inches low.
I would just play with your top pin a little bit. A lot depends on your speed, peep height etc but quite a few guys I know just find a happy median where they are 2" high at 20 and 2" low at 30 with their top pin. Than anything inside of 30 is top pin. Your not gonna shoot bulls-eyes doing this but for a hunting bow it works pretty well IMO.
I shoot a 5 pin slider. I can shoot out to 135 before my guard gets too low. ( thanks Doug for suggesting the small guard!) However I just recently went to a slider with my new bow. I can't tell u how much fun I had at my local archery range on Friday. It's just too fun to skip a few stations and take the 110 yd shot on the 3d moose. I could never do that with my fixed sight....
Thanks for info guys. For now I have a 5 pin fixed sight. I will practice the stacking technique but I dont know if that will practical for hunting as it seems I would need a reference point beyond the target to be able to move my pin too. I was also thinking that I may never get a 20 yard shot so maybe set my 5 pins 30-70? Any thoughts on that?I cant imagine taking a 100 yard shot in the field, I believe 70 would be about max.
I always set my first pin at 30 because being 3-4 inches height at 15 yds made no difference on elk. However this year I did set my first pin to 20 because turkey is coming up and I wanted to shoot quarters at 20 yds
Wholeheartedly agree with the 1st pin at 30 yards.

Hitting an animal a few inches high has never been an issue for me. A few inches low, has made me think twice.

In a five pin starting at 30 with 10
Yard increments takes you to 70 yds. Pretty darn good IMHO. Over 70 you had beat start thinking twice or be able to stack pins effectively.
If I go with 30-70 what is the easiest and most accurate way to make the Change? Do need to move each pin individually or can I just adjust the whole gang down?
Easiest is to mark the gaps on a piece of paper between 30-40-50-60 for a back up plan. Then move your pins starting with your top pin to match the gaps you just made on your paper. your 30-40-50-60 pins are gapped correctly. Eyeball your 70 and go shoot. Make gang adjustments to get your 30 thru 60 back on then sight in your 70 moving the pin itself.

If your sight allows you to take your 20 pin out and move it to bottom, you could do that and then just sight that pin into 70.
Also if you want to do a gang adjustment, move it down until your top pin becomes good at 30. Then you will have to adjust the other five pins individually to correspond to 40-50-60-70.
If your sight allows that and there is room it would be easiest. Spot Hogg doesn't work that way and that us all I have experience with.