Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44mm SHR-Mil Q&A

Tract goes to all these shows and it's the owners in the booths. Just ask them what their thoughts are on and if they want to participate in this

And this
Tract goes to all these shows and it's the owners in the booths. Just ask them what their thoughts are on and if they want to participate in this

And this
It’s possible they have changed their minds/views.
After reading scope threads about how good the glass is for 8 years and people just not getting it, this probably wins the internet for the day!!

There was a particular guy on the hide that rambled on about the schott glass and his IOR valdadas constantly. He was either expert level trolling guys or really special. Used to get a kick out of it and occasionally get hooked by the schtick.
I've been happy with my SWFAs but this thread and the reticle makes it tempting...

I've been happy with my SWFAs but this thread and the reticle makes it tempting...

I was the same. Got to play with mine a little yesterday.

I actually prefer the reticle over the MQ. Now it’s a chunkier scope for sure. On my Fieldcraft, I’m keeping the SWFA 3-9 as it’s a little over 6oz lighter (fair bit smaller too). But the Rs1.2 should go nicely on the Rokstok’d Tikka.

I also have 3-12 LRHS on my .223. I like the form factor and turrets better on LRHS, but the reticle, ease of focus, and even I suppose the glass clarity, I would give the edge to the Maven.
I was the same. Got to play with mine a little yesterday.

I actually prefer the reticle over the MQ. Now it’s a chunkier scope for sure. On my Fieldcraft, I’m keeping the SWFA 3-9 as it’s a little over 6oz lighter (fair bit smaller too). But the Rs1.2 should go nicely on the Rokstok’d Tikka.

I also have 3-12 LRHS on my .223. I like the form factor and turrets better on LRHS, but the reticle, ease of focus, and even I suppose the glass clarity, I would give the edge to the Maven.
The maven seems like the "better" scope on paper but I can't see the 3-9 or even the 6x being inadequate for anything I do so it's a hard 1k to shell out.

I could shoot a lot for the cost of the scope upgrade! I'm definitely going to keep following along though and I'm sure I'll own one eventually even if it's in a few years.
The maven seems like the "better" scope on paper but I can't see the 3-9 or even the 6x being inadequate for anything I do so it's a hard 1k to shell out.

I could shoot a lot for the cost of the scope upgrade! I'm definitely going to keep following along though and I'm sure I'll own one eventually even if it's in a few years.
Save the cash. I like the Maven, but I’m keeping the SWFA 3-9, 6MQ, and 10MQ for sure. Can’t beat them for scope per $.
The maven seems like the "better" scope on paper but I can't see the 3-9 or even the 6x being inadequate for anything I do so it's a hard 1k to shell out.

I could shoot a lot for the cost of the scope upgrade! I'm definitely going to keep following along though and I'm sure I'll own one eventually even if it's in a few years.
The SWFAs are awesome.

I sold my 3-9 on my 223 trainer but only because I wanted it to match the Maven on my 6creed hunting rifle (and because the new RS1.2 only cost me like $850 over Christmas).
I was the same. Got to play with mine a little yesterday.

I actually prefer the reticle over the MQ. Now it’s a chunkier scope for sure. On my Fieldcraft, I’m keeping the SWFA 3-9 as it’s a little over 6oz lighter (fair bit smaller too). But the Rs1.2 should go nicely on the Rokstok’d Tikka.

I also have 3-12 LRHS on my .223. I like the form factor and turrets better on LRHS, but the reticle, ease of focus, and even I suppose the glass clarity, I would give the edge to the Maven.

Great post! This is where I'm at with this maven. I have multiple swiffer 6x m'quads, 10x m'quads, 3-9x m'quads that I won't get rid of, but also have a pair of 3-12x lrhs' that I could see myself swapping out for this maven. I plan on ordering 1 to try and will go from there. If it holds up, and I like it, I'll likely order another and sell both lrhs'. if I could just change out the reticle in the lrhs I would. They have been outstanding scopes for me.
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I now have both the Tract TORIC UHD 2.5-15X44 MRAD (non-illumintated) and the Maven RS1.2.

I can honestly say that while they may have some components that are the same, they are definitely not built the same. The focus ring is different, the turrets are different, the zero stop arrangement is different, the eye relief, while stating on paper that they are the same, they are not. The Maven has to be mounted a bit further forward for me to get proper eye relief. I don't have the inclination to actually measure it, but based on where my rings were positioned on the Tract vs. where they are now on the Maven, I would say that the Maven is closer to 4" and the Tract is probably 3.25-3.5". The reticles are different as well. I don't have the illuminated Tract, so I can't say if that setup is the same. I will say that the parallax adjustment on the non-illuminated Tract is easier to turn than it is on the Maven.
Optically, I honestly can't tell if there are any significant differences in "the glass". Both are clear enough for what I plan on using them for.

The main reason I got the Maven was because with the Tract mounted on my custom Tikka T3 338 Sherman Mega, the brass would hit the windage cap about 60% of the time and not eject properly. That is a complete no-go on a hunting rifle. I could have used the scope with the windage cap removed, but that kinda defeats the purpose of having capped windage.

The plan is for the Tract to replace the Burris Signature HD scope I have on my Remage 260. I will drop it a few time and it is going to be my primary deer rifle this year, so we will see how it holds up.

Overall, I liked the Tract scope and it tracked very well while I was using it. I just couldn't afford to have it cause failures to eject on my rifle and I am not willing to mount it in higher rings to fix the issue.