Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

Thanks do you mind sending a link to the objective I cannot seem to find it in black.

Objective - BT4449-FCR
Eyepiece - UAC001-FCR
What is the purpose of these 2 hash marks?


I dial and don't hold over but on my rifle the 7.5 mil hold over would be at 910 yards and the 10 mil hold over would be for 1090 yards. The vertical line looks like its .5 mil thick which would cover around 16" at 910 and 18" of the target at 1090.
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Maybe fair, but I did buy this scope because of the reviews by RS members including @mxgsfmdpx and I’ve killed multiple animals over 800 yards. 😝

My point is that some on here preach the gospel of the drop test like it’s the be all end all and the reality is, it isn’t. There are too many variables on a drop, rings, rail, stock, scope, torque values, etc. I stand by my comment. Drop your shit, confirm zero. I don’t care if you paint it with purple nail polish and torque to your special secret specs, a dropped rifle should be assumed to be an inaccurate rifle.
No further issues with my maven that was dropped. It then banged around the backseat of my rental TRD off road Tacoma on some nasty Alaskan trails. Busted through brush and took a beating for 8 hard days of moose hunting.

523 yard shot and the bullet landed right where I aimed it.

The Maven that was dropped from the truck has a slightly bent windage turret upon close inspection yesterday. I've since dialed it left and right about 1,000 clicks and it hasn't had any issues holding zero so far. Put 100 more rounds through the gun as well.

It survived some nasty off road trails in my rental Tacoma and my buddies ATV after the moose shot as well, survived a plane ride back to AZ, a truck ride in the bed inside a Pelican case, the Jeep ride to my shooting spot, and was still zeroed.

The stupid thing seems like it's just gonna keep on working.
The Maven that was dropped from the truck has a slightly bent windage turret upon close inspection yesterday. I've since dialed it left and right about 1,000 clicks and it hasn't had any issues holding zero so far. Put 100 more rounds through the gun as well.

It survived some nasty off road trails in my rental Tacoma and my buddies ATV after the moose shot as well, survived a plane ride back to AZ, a truck ride in the bed inside a Pelican case, the Jeep ride to my shooting spot, and was still zeroed.

The stupid thing seems like it's just gonna keep on working.

You bent the windage turret even though it's capped? Must have been a very hard hit. I saw the pictures, but wouldn't think it would bend through the cap
Maven have let me know 'mid' October for the next drop, so could be as soon as the next week.

Meant to be a sizeable shipment, so hopefully won't be sold out on first day ...
@mxgsfmdpx - I note no throw lever ... did your zoom ring loosen up, do you find you don't use the zoom ring as you're more 'setting and forgetting', don't like throw levers, or ... ?
@mxgsfmdpx - I note no throw lever ... did your zoom ring loosen up, do you find you don't use the zoom ring as you're more 'setting and forgetting', don't like throw levers, or ... ?
It lives on 6-8x and barely gets touched. It has loosened up though, yes. Update to this thread from one of my scopes coming tomorrow am.
Update to the scope that took the nasty fall and bent turret on my Tikka 22 Creedmoor.

It has since killed a moose, black bear, and mule deer. 3 more flights and we know how TSA treats the rifle cases. Rented a Tacoma TRD off road and the rifle bounced around quite a bit in the back seat on some forest service roads in California.

After killing the black bear and mule deer I met up with some old PRS buddies and did some high wind and long range practice in California last week. 200 rounds fired that day and rifle bouncing around in a side by side to and from shooting spot.

Landed back in Arizona yesterday and went out this morning to check zero.


First shot on target. Sitting at a plastic table, heavy front rest, rear bag, 100 yards.


Second shot hit the same hole, third shot 3/8” to the right, 3 shots circled in orange (1 full magazine).

I had three more full mags so I then switched to prone off pack with bino harness as rear rest, shots circled in green. Next I snapped in my long Spartan bipod, swapped mags, and shot the next magazine, backpack as rear rest seated position, circled in blue. I stayed in the same position but ditched the backpack for seated with no rear rest for the next magazine, shots circled in yellow.

There was no time in between shots other than re-loads and changing up the shooting position.


The scope and rifle are still ready to kill as expected. 80 grain ELDX factory ammo continues to shoot quite well out of this factory tikka barrel. Round count is now at 520, no signs of slowing down yet.