Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

Had a great day spending 10 hours out in the desert today. The scope rode around in the back of the jeep on some pretty nasty desert trails. This is where it will spend a huge chunk of its life.
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Got out to one of my sight in spots and got it bore sighted and on paper at 100. Using @Formidilosus method of using the MIL reticle like a ruler to shift it over. Fired three confirmation shots and it was dead on at 100. Moved out to 200 to get it fully sighted in. 129 SSTs shoot and kill nicely out of this rifle. 15 shots at 200 yards, 1” square target, seated position with long Spartan bipod using the jeep tire as a back lean. I kill a lot of varmints using this and the hood of the jeep as stabilizing points. Very effective. 5, three round mags all back to back. Only time spent between shots was reloading the mags.
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The glass and reticle are as good as I was hoping they would be. It’s probably the best all around multi purpose reticle I’ve used. Reminds me a lot of my Minox THLR reticle but not as busy. It’s excellent for target and varmint shooting. I was also able to get literally hundreds of sight pictures on desert big horn sheep and desert mulies today. I also watched a bunch of Javelina through the scope at 850 moving out to 1,400 yards for about 30 minutes. I’m really going to like it as a big game hunting scope/reticle. It’s very effective at all zoom ranges and hits a sweet spot in the 6-8 range for me.

Parallax is very forgiving and I left it on 200 all day long. Never got any reticle jump yardages as close as 30 yards at 2.5x zoom and as far as 1,500 on 15X zoom. Leave the thing at 200 and go kill with it.

Was able to kill 4 desert dogs and a pile of cottontails. Furthest shot was a coyote at 685. 15X for that shot was really nice, the half mil box that surrounds the dot isn’t distracting at all at full zoom and helps bring your eye into the center dot. Very easy to use.

The coyote at 685 was a big male who literally coughed up a lung as he died.
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All said and done I only had two rounds left out of the 3 boxes I took out which made for an excellent field day. I usually get one day per week out like this sometimes more. Scope will see a lot of use over the next 8 months before first big game hunt. I’m definitely planning on using it on this rifle for hunting season next year if it holds up.

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Good stuff. I tossed mine under the rear seat of my pickup and plan to leave it there and shoot it whenever I get time on the weekends. Don’t get out and drive a lot of bumpy dirt roads this time of year unfortunately but the roads around town are pretty bumpy and may serve as a decent “test” anyways. 😂
If they could take the CRS.1 3-12x40 and make it FFP, parallax and bomb proof, I'd order 4. Especially if they could keep the weight within a few oz of where it is now.
Here are some pictures of the maven against the nightforce SHV Moar F1.

I like the reticle in the maven better. Mounts are right about 6 oz.

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After plying with both what one do you prefer between them? I just went through the whole forum and have been reading extensively for a first new higher end scope. Lot of hype around the new maven and I love their binos that I have but I don’t see what’s so crazy different between these two?
Good stuff. I tossed mine under the rear seat of my pickup and plan to leave it there and shoot it whenever I get time on the weekends. Don’t get out and drive a lot of bumpy dirt roads this time of year unfortunately but the roads around town are pretty bumpy and may serve as a decent “test” anyways. 😂
Most places I drive around where I live are all open desert and farm fields. Makes for lots of shot opportunities so there’s always a rifle or two in the backseat of my vehicles.

This .260 with the new Maven will go everywhere with me all year “testing” general durability. I’m going to bring it as a backup rifle on a friends hunt here in AZ after Christmas, so it will get its first official backpack hunt here real soon.
After plying with both what one do you prefer between them? I just went through the whole forum and have been reading extensively for a first new higher end scope. Lot of hype around the new maven and I love their binos that I have but I don’t see what’s so crazy different between these two?

The mil reticle in the maven wins IMO.
After plying with both what one do you prefer between them? I just went through the whole forum and have been reading extensively for a first new higher end scope. Lot of hype around the new maven and I love their binos that I have but I don’t see what’s so crazy different between these two?

Maven wins in eye relief, weight, and likely reticle? Unsure because you said MOAR and i haven't had a Maven MOA model. The MOAR reticle is less than half as thick as the Mil in the RS1.2 which is kind of nice when shooting tiny targets at higher mags but might not be ideal in the lower 2/3 of power range on mixed terrain.

Weight and eye relief have always kept me away from the SHV F1 in favor of the LRHS/LRTS line.
Maven wins in eye relief, weight, and likely reticle? Unsure because you said MOAR and i haven't had a Maven MOA model. The MOAR reticle is less than half as thick as the Mil in the RS1.2 which is kind of nice when shooting tiny targets at higher mags but might not be ideal in the lower 2/3 of power range on mixed terrain.

Weight and eye relief have always kept me away from the SHV F1 in favor of the LRHS/LRTS line.

He had quoted my post.
The nightforce shv f1 moar is my last remaining moa scope that was due to get changed for the mil maven.

I like the mil reticle in the maven better then the moar reticle.
Got scope #2 mounted and zeroed. No issues
Shot a few hundred rounds with an intermittent drop test every so often I’d do a drop or 2 (or 9) from 36” on shooting mat over wet grass and zero was retained. Then my buddy who thinks drop testing scopes is Dumb who chastised me all day and thinks real world drops don’t happen knocked it off my tailgate and it fell about 24” onto a hard top (rtic) cooler- he tried to catch it and ended up accelerating it so thrown might be more accurate than dropped…
we hadn’t drove over to the targets yet so fired a 5 shot confirmation and it stayed zeroed. That was a much harder impact than onto a shooting mat.
The more I shoot this scope the more it grows on me

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Got scope #2 mounted and zeroed. No issues
Shot a few hundred rounds with an intermittent drop test every so often I’d do a drop or 2 (or 9) from 36” on shooting mat over wet grass and zero was retained. Then my buddy who thinks drop testing scopes is Dumb who chastised me all day and thinks real world drops don’t happen knocked it off my tailgate and it fell about 24” onto a hard top (rtic) cooler- he tried to catch it and ended up accelerating it so thrown might be more accurate than dropped…
we hadn’t drove over to the targets yet so fired a 5 shot confirmation and it stayed zeroed. That was a much harder impact than onto a shooting mat.
The more I shoot this scope the more it grows on me

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Dang man that’s a great test. Your buddy sounds like a “winner”. Haha.
Dang man that’s a great test. Your buddy sounds like a “winner”. Haha.

If we didn’t go so far back … I swear to god he’s got the absolute worst luck ever.
We were fishing albacore last August and he promptly dropped his go-pro overboard then threw his cell phone into the ocean in an attempt to catch it. We got back to the dock and were processing the fish, he grabbed something during and there must have been a jelly fish on the cleaning table or in the guts- we were on hwy 20 heading home and His hand started burning and swelling up, the drive from fort Bragg to Sacramento doesn’t have a ton of medical services, he just kept his hand in a bag of ice water until we got home. (Our 3rd friend did offer to pee on it for him haha)
First turkey hunt I took him on a mountain lion jumped from behind him over his shoulder and attacked the decoy right in front of him
We were steelhead fishing once and he waded into net my fish, a nice bright female about 8-10# she spooked and rocketed out of the water right into his jewels
The amount of sunglasses he’s lost or broken on my boat easily values into the four figures- I keep a spare pair of cheapie sunglasses for him.

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Got scope #2 mounted and zeroed. No issues
Shot a few hundred rounds with an intermittent drop test every so often I’d do a drop or 2 (or 9) from 36” on shooting mat over wet grass and zero was retained. Then my buddy who thinks drop testing scopes is Dumb who chastised me all day and thinks real world drops don’t happen knocked it off my tailgate and it fell about 24” onto a hard top (rtic) cooler- he tried to catch it and ended up accelerating it so thrown might be more accurate than dropped…
we hadn’t drove over to the targets yet so fired a 5 shot confirmation and it stayed zeroed. That was a much harder impact than onto a shooting mat.
The more I shoot this scope the more it grows on me

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I don't know if I'm more grateful for you drop testing a second scope, or your buddy's combination of knocking it and then accelerating the drop.

Either way, it's almost as if this counts as two separate tests, so what's that make the total now?
I’ll keep it going here again with another field update.

Went out this morning looking for coyotes with nothing coming in. Threw up a target and hiked back towards the jeep for some shooting before taking off for work.

4 magazines for 12 shots. Breaking position between each magazine and re-ranging for practice. Basic field position with Spartan short bipod up front, smartwool vest as rear rest. Meoptas ranged the target at 337 yards. Dial for elevation, hold for wind. Kestrel was reading winds 3-6 mph. Felt dead calm to me in a light puffy with hood on.

Scope was on 6 power and turned it up to 8ish, didn’t even know until I reloaded and checked, I just zoomed in until the small target and the reticle “looked right”. The center dot continues to be a thing of beauty for me personally.

It’s still holding zero. Vertical turret dialing and horizontal reticle marks seem to be accurate so far. Perhaps I should have held just a touch more for the wind after getting up to the target. Still dead animals for sure.


Just some quick math... There's 43k views of this thread. I know a lot of those views are probably repeats but if 5% of those views translated to purchases that's over $2 million in sales.

One would think that an optics company would be wise to listen and pay attention to us wackos on on Rokslide...