Maven b2 9x45 vs meostar 10x42 vs conquest HD


May 23, 2015
miami, fl
Hello everyone. Happy New Year to all.

Currently have the c1 from maven. Thinking of upgrading them to one of the modes listed. I haven’t had a chance to compare. Living south Florida limits me from trying different binos so I am looking for your input. Thanks again

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I upgraded last year and ended up with the conquests and am happy with them, the mavens were very nice but the extra weight and bulk were a to much for me personally.
I upgraded last year and ended up with the conquests and am happy with them, the mavens were very nice but the extra weight and bulk were a to much for me personally.

That is my only complaint about the mavens. I wonder if it will be fine a bino pouch for carrying around

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I love my meostars. i don't feel like i give up anything with them.

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Only way you will know is to try them. Seriously. I'm a huge Conquest HD fan as I think they represent the best image quality to price ratio out there right now. But that's me. I'm not you. So you really need to try them all before investing that kind of $. To my eyes, Conquest HD's resolve detail as good or better than any binocular I've tested, including Swaro SLC's, Monarch HG's, Meostars, Trinovids, etc. I know that's heresy on this forum, to claim Conquest HD's outresolve SLC's, but there was no doubt in my mind that they did -at least with the pairs I had before me. Maybe I just got a cherry pair of Conquests and a two poor pairs of SLC's in a row. I dunno. But I'd at least try them and see for yourself.
Only way you will know is to try them. Seriously. I'm a huge Conquest HD fan as I think they represent the best image quality to price ratio out there right now. But that's me. I'm not you. So you really need to try them all before investing that kind of $. To my eyes, Conquest HD's resolve detail as good or better than any binocular I've tested, including Swaro SLC's, Monarch HG's, Meostars, Trinovids, etc. I know that's heresy on this forum, to claim Conquest HD's outresolve SLC's, but there was no doubt in my mind that they did -at least with the pairs I had before me. Maybe I just got a cherry pair of Conquests and a two poor pairs of SLC's in a row. I dunno. But I'd at least try them and see for yourself.

I followed your post.
I really liked what you said about the conquest binos.
I have to find somewhere to test these binos

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I looked at so many pair's of bino's before I went with Maven B2 9X45. I really love the 377' field of view. Its pretty much a given that the top dog's to compare to are Swarovski, Leica and Zeiss. The mavens fit my face and my eye's like them.....and my pocket book is much lighter.
On bino packs, I am using a badlands pack.
For whats its worth i got to comapre the b2s and meostar for a couple days looling at all sorts of deer and glassing. to me there were pros and cons to both. Both are on the heavy side. Each have just about opposite erganomics. The b2s have a signifigant more blue in the glass. The meostars have more green if that makes sense. To me the meostar pulled out the natural colors signifigantly better than the b2s. Kind of like the old swarovision tint. Both were about equal in low light. For me I stuck with the meostars. I liked the erganomics of the b2s better but i had a sigifigant easier time picking animals out with the meostar. Good luck. The zeiss are top notch. Just didnt get to compare them side by side. Good luck

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I have had the b2s and meostars. I kept the meostars. I think optically they are both more than adequate for anything most people will ever do. I didn’t like the physical size of the mavens. They are tall. They both (meostars and mavens) are heavy. But I don’t think you could go wrong with either choice. I think it comes down to what you personally like.

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Optical differences are pretty slim starting at the Tract Toric in the $600 range up to things like the Maven B2 in the $1,000 category. I have given up being surprised at reactions of different people to the same binocular. Within any given price range optics won't likely be much of a factor in the choice. Resolution and light transmission differences ar pretty much a wash in the $600-1,000 range. What will make the choice is how well the binocular fits your hands and face. For instance I settled on the Maven B2 largely because it balances so well in my hands that all I need to do is lock my eyes on target, grab the binocular and when it comes to eye, the target is right there in the center of the field. Just like a good rifle that fits you properly. In my experience by far the most complaints about the B2 size come from people who don't own one. But it IS a big glass, so I don't discount that. In particular a common complaint about binoculars across the spectrum is that the extension of the eye cup is not great enough to match the eye relief. So if that and other things conspire to cause a binocular not to fit , they will hinder efficient use. Another thing that assumes varying degrees of choice up to deal maker or breaker is company history and warranty. Binoculars do have different image color biases. Some are warmer, some cooler. Some people prefer a different color hue.

So, my advice to the OP is that any of the binoculars in you original question are great choices. I'd tend to say that if you get your hands on one or more, go for the best fit. Just like a good rifle, the less you have to fiddle with it in order to use it, the better it will work. Worrying about optical differences will likely drive you nuts.
That is my only complaint about the mavens. I wonder if it will be fine a bino pouch for carrying around

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I have the Kuiu Large size bino pouch and the B2's would fit but it was very snug, I would of had to upgrade in the pouch size for a comfortable fit.
I’m gonna go to bass pro and check out the meostar and Nikon hg. Unfortunately they done have the ZEISS models in stock

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I tried the Maven 15's against the Swaro 15 SCL, and there was a noticeable gap. I've never tried the B2's, but I also would like to suggest you look at Minox. It's another option that is similar to Maven in $$ but likely lighter, smaller and has comparable or better optical performance. I've really been impressed with the Minox binos I've used.
I tried the Maven 15's against the Swaro 15 SCL, and there was a noticeable gap. I've never tried the B2's, but I also would like to suggest you look at Minox. It's another option that is similar to Maven in $$ but likely lighter, smaller and has comparable or better optical performance. I've really been impressed with the Minox binos I've used.

Which model?

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