Vortex Razer HD vs Zeiss Conquest HD vs Maven B1.2

Great optics in the Conquest HD's I tried, but the super fast focus, and eyecups being too short were the deal killer for me. I know Zeiss will (or at least used to) send you a free set of extended eyepieces if you ask though. Zeiss customer service seems to be intent on screwing their customers lately, so that's a negative as well IMO.
Great optics in the Conquest HD's I tried, but the super fast focus, and eyecups being too short were the deal killer for me. I know Zeiss will (or at least used to) send you a free set of extended eyepieces if you ask though. Zeiss customer service seems to be intent on screwing their customers lately, so that's a negative as well IMO.
Really? Hmmph.. I had an oopsie not too long ago, maybe last year? and dropped and jacked-up my (bought used!) 15x56 Conquest HD... sent it in to them... and they got it back to me surprisingly quick.
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The Zeiss Conqwst HD is a lot of Glass for the money? Don’t have any experience with the Vortex or Maven but the Zeiss is nice for under 1K$? Eurooptic seems to have the 8x32 to 10x42 available for around 800 bucks for the demo version?
I got mine from Europtic NEW for $749 because I called them back in September
Have not regretted the purchase one bit.
Had zeiss send me the free extended eyecups, but I actually prefer the standard eyecups.
So if anyone wants to trade let me know
Try adding the ScoopX UHD for only a measley $62 plus shipping from eBay into this mix and I swear you'd really be shocked after noticing first hand on how great they really are. They're night and day better than both of my new Athlon Cronus UHD Gen 2s and Leupold BX4 s and actually pretty close to my NIKON Monarch HGs believe it or not.

Even if you don't need them they are dirt cheap now and keep in your car if they get stolen no biggie. The Zeiss Conquest HDs slightly edge them out optically but at roughly 10 times the price.

I got mine from Europtic NEW for $749 because I called them back in September
Have not regretted the purchase one bit.
Had zeiss send me the free extended eyecups, but I actually prefer the standard eyecups.
So if anyone wants to trade let me know
They are 799.00 everywhere, it's a Zeiss sale. We have them in stock as well.
The Conquest HD’s have been around for a while. Have they changed at all over the last few years or still built to the same spec’s? Does year model come into play?
Hi, this has been a great read. Fortunately I believe all these binos are still available. Anyone have experience with the Tract binos, and anyone out there that can compare them to other ones (mentioned above, or in the sub-1000 price range)?
I had my Tract Toric 8x42 in Namibia, and there was a conquest HD there as well. The toric gave up nothing to the Conquest, and given the fact that the Conquest eyecups can be a real PITA, I'd take the Toric every time. I also don't like the super fast focus the conquest has.