Mathews Lift Review, By Les Welch

im shooting a lift 29.5 fully rigged w Mathews overpriced accessories lol…

376gr BE

Bow shoots amazing!
Me too, and I was very much against buying their overpriced accessories, but a fully rigged bow feels like a bare bow in the hand, so I did (I hate QAD rests too)

I could have left with a fully rigged rx8 for the same price when all was said and done, but the lift felt so good when set up and much to my surprise, I liked the draw cycle and back wall on the lift more than the Hoyt, and the Hoyt cam is awesome

I had a new custom mbg sight sitting at home and ended up having to order a dovetail for it, but now it’s all done and I do like the bow, but mathews sure bends you over to use their clever accessories.

I had a bridgelock stab on it but I took it off because it aims better without, and I despise back bars on hunting bows…

The grip feels nice in the hand, but man is it fickle! I’m shooting off the riser with grip tape and like it a lot more. Kinda want to try the UV grip, but it’s stupidly overpriced as well, so I probably won’t

I have not liked a mathews since the chill r, but the lift is a really slick bow. I just hope i don’t have limb issues. I have 60&70# mods and think I will probably just use the 60’s because it draws so dang easy, and I think there is more value to drawing super slow in plain sight vs The extra few fps I get with the extra draw weight.

I don’t know what they did with the lift, but it’s the first switch weight cam I’ve liked.

Like 5 days after I got my bow, 2 people broke into the bow shop I use and stole all of the lifts off the wall, don’t think they have been caught yet (though I’m guessing they didn’t try very hard in this state)
Les took the Mathews Lift out into the field to look for a crusty old whitetail buck last year. Check out his review to see if you should consider this bow for your upcoming hunts.

Mathews Lift Review

Great info
Any opinions on how much better the lift is than the Mathews Avail with a 24.5" draw length ? I have a 5 yr old mathews, the limbs are 50 to 60 . However, my rotator cuffs are so bad that I cant pull back 50 lbs anymore. I tuned it down 3 1/2 turns and gave it a try.. That was enough so I could pull it back without too much pain. I love shooting my bow. I shoot almost every day in my basements bow range at 19 yards. I shot a bunch and it was surely slower and 4" lower at 19 yds. I ended up with my 1st bow buck in 10 yrs. cause so many times I could not pull the bow back when a deer came by.. I went to the shop for lighter arrows to keep up the arrow speed. He said to keep what I was using . We find the pull was only 41 lbs. I was almost shocked being it a 50 to 60 . limb. I out it up to 43 and have not touched it since . Arrow speed is 223 fps. @ 43 lbs. However, I was wondering if anyone knows if the lift would be any faster.
im shooting a lift 29.5 fully rigged w Mathews overpriced accessories lol…

376gr BE

Bow shoots amazing!
I think the stabilizers may be the most overpriced but have a desire for some reason. Have you shot it with any stabilizers other than the Mathew’s ? I’m running spider bars but in debate if the switch to bridge locks is worth the price .
I'm excited to see the long draw version this year. Should increased my arrow speed significantly from what I get out of my Atlas
Great review, I picked up a lift this year can't wait to get it set up and start shooting. Will be a big upgrade from my 20 year old Martin!
I also just purchased the lift x. Can’t wait to shoot it. I’ve been shooting the halon 32 since it was the flagship bow. It was time for me to upgrade but I was waiting for Mathew’s to add the tuning functionality. Figured with bowtec coming out with that first they wouldn’t be far behind.