Shoot what you like and do your best to be very proficient with it. Just realize guys can and will turn everything into a dick measuring contest.
FWIW, I’ve killed a bunch of deer with a 223 before Rockslide Specials and TMKs were a thing . It absolutes works, they’re fun to shoot , recoil less, I’ve also killed them with a dozen other calibers. I haven’t killed an elk with one because I don’t live where elk live. Probably wouldn’t anyway, but not because I don’t think it will, I just have other rifle that I would enjoy using more for personal reasons.
All that said, some of y’all are like the Jehovahs Witnesses of the shooting world. Waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting and spread your newfound religion. “Go read our 20 page bible on Rockslide.” The same zealots over and over. How long before folks get tired of being preached to and just quit answering the door?