Masculinity and Caliber Choice

I often wonder….

When did “room for error” come into the equation?

Can’t Say it’s ever been part of what I was taught or teach.
error exists in everything. No plan goes exactly perfectly, variables change, we have to adapt (hopefully quickly, accurately, and precisely enough).
I definitely said that is NOT my approach. Only that I can understand the logic.

It seems like you only read the part you wanted to reply to, not the whole thing. I would ask you to re-read the whole thing and then decide if your reply makes sense.

I definitely didn't say that it was your approach. I understand the logic as well, and not so long ago I subscribed to it. I meant that reply as a response to that line of reasoning, not a rebuttal to you personally. My apologies if it came off that way.
I definitely didn't say that it was your approach. I understand the logic as well, and not so long ago I subscribed to it. I meant that reply as a response to that line of reasoning, not a rebuttal to you personally. My apologies if it came off that way.
Understood, Im with you now.
Can’t say Iv ever witnessed it personally in taking an animal. But, I guess it does somewhere.
To which I would say that you aren't aware of them, but they still exist. It may be the kinds of things that you don't ever consciously think about, but your brain is still processing them.
How much does that How Mini in 6mm ARC weigh before optics mounted? Looking for another Ultralight setup, and this 6mm ARC... and it's ability to also fit in AR-15 uppers, is definitely raising my eyebrow!

Only weighed it with optic mounted and it’s right at 8lbs with my stock set up.
How much does that How Mini in 6mm ARC weigh before optics mounted? Looking for another Ultralight setup, and this 6mm ARC... and it's ability to also fit in AR-15 uppers, is definitely raising my eyebrow!
I have the Howa Mini in .223 with a 22” barrel and CF stock. Weighs 5lb - 4oz before optics. Can’t believe a 6 ARC would be much different if set up the same.
Went through a big bore phase, and I have to say it puts a whitetail down with more authority than the 223, but not that much. My two favorites for the last few years has been a 308 and a 284win. Both have plenty of power for whitetails with the 284 adding some reach for longer shots. I took them both hunting elk this year and never felt undergunned.
Shoot what you like and do your best to be very proficient with it. Just realize guys can and will turn everything into a dick measuring contest.
FWIW, I’ve killed a bunch of deer with a 223 before Rockslide Specials and TMKs were a thing . It absolutes works, they’re fun to shoot , recoil less, I’ve also killed them with a dozen other calibers. I haven’t killed an elk with one because I don’t live where elk live. Probably wouldn’t anyway, but not because I don’t think it will, I just have other rifle that I would enjoy using more for personal reasons.
All that said, some of y’all are like the Jehovahs Witnesses of the shooting world. Waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting and spread your newfound religion. “Go read our 20 page bible on Rockslide.” The same zealots over and over. How long before folks get tired of being preached to and just quit answering the door?
I shoot a 300wm mostly because I shoot it well and I like to. I have a 308 also- both have dropped animals dead in their tracks. I do think that a bigger cartridge eliminates a little bit of margin of error for shot placement. I’m a pretty good shot but I’m not making it through sniper school- that bit of error in the event of a poor shot might be lessened if you have a bigger cartridge with more energy being delivered on target. Shot placement is everything though no matter how far you are so the argument that bigger is better is kinda small minded, but there is some thing to be said for magnum calibers.
I shoot a 300wm mostly because I shoot it well and I like to. I have a 308 also- both have dropped animals dead in their tracks. I do think that a bigger cartridge eliminates a little bit of margin of error for shot placement. I’m a pretty good shot but I’m not making it through sniper school- that bit of error in the event of a poor shot might be lessened if you have a bigger cartridge with more energy being delivered on target. Shot placement is everything though no matter how far you are so the argument that bigger is better is kinda small minded, but there is some thing to be said for magnum calibers.
Oh boy.
I've been reading some of these threads and posts about the .22 caliber and it's effectiveness.

By itself, its not.

It requires bullet design, and a specific bullet design on top of that. One is repeated again and again. Without that bullet [design], it's inadequate.

Masculinity has nothing to do with caliber selection. Confidence in opinion does and arrogance (not ignorance) developed from that opinion is laughable.
Feedback for future troll posts: certain people get really mad when you (accurately) mention that competition shooters are way better at long range shooting than military snipers. Godspeed and good luck.
Feedback for future troll posts: certain people get really mad when you (accurately) mention that competition shooters are way better at long range shooting than military snipers. Godspeed and good luck.
lol good to know I’ll remember that one
I do think that a bigger cartridge eliminates a little bit of margin of error for shot placement. I’m a pretty good shot but I’m not making it through sniper school- that bit of error in the event of a poor shot might be lessened if you have a bigger cartridge with more energy being delivered on target.
What you’re missing is that Form has seen hundreds of times that center fire .22, 6mm, and 6.5mm cartridges with the correct bullet leave just as big if not bigger would channel than some 30 cal magnums.