Thoughts on why some people seem to think their masculinity coincides with their caliber choice?
Because they had an experience with that caliber, which was more than likely due to their shot placement not being great, and the experience "soured" them to that caliber.
Like the very first coyote I ever shot... it was this close-quarters thing that was a jump-shot opportunity at like 25yds about. I was, extremely rapidly due to the situation, aiming for typical behind the shoulder when this yote scrambled up the side of this drainage I was in, and stopped for just a second as he crested the drainage, to look back at me. So I wasn't gonna waste any time!
I squeezed off the shot... literally saw him do a barrel-roll mid-air, and fall to a slump where he was. But he was still like sorta out of it like a drunk flopping back and forth a lil bit for like I dunno 3-5 seconds.... before I dunno maybe shock set in? He then proceeds stand up, turns to look at me, me just staring stunned in disbelief. And he then runs off, up the knoll up there and out of my view.
I figured ok, he'll probably pile up in 40-100yds or something, and up there it shouldn't be hard to find him.
WELL... blood trailed him like crazy, in noisy 20-25mph wind, up out of the drainage, across the rising knoll... then... down into a ravine.. the lil game trail he descended on with lots of splashes of blood on rocks occasionally at the side of this trail... it pointed right at a Juniper growing out of a water rut at the bottom of the Ravine. Took off my pack and crawled up and underneath of it to look around, saw another like silver-dollar sized puddle of blood. Then circled around the Juniper uber slowly, finally found 2 drops. Turned them into a line segment... followed up the other side of the Ravine where that line pointed towards. Yup.. a lil flat spot.. found more bleeding.. then......??? Nothing. The trail ran out. Fanned out, but never found him. Re-traced the blood trail again from beginning to end too. Stayed and watched to see if the Ravens/Crows maybe showed interest in some particular spot. Nothin'.
Now me personally... my first reaction wasn't that a .223 Rem is weak, but for me it was "Holy Crap these Coyotes are TOUGH!" In my mind I was like I couldn't believe what I just witnessed!
Well... Coyotes ARE pretty tough, but a .223 Rem at 25yds is NOT weak, not by any stretch of the imagination.
But you can see what I'm saying about how it would be easy for someone to maybe think that, after experiencing this unsuccessful result? If they personally didn't take the time to really analyze what went wrong.
Later on, after finally taking my first deer, and seeing first-hand how lung-blood looks different than muscle-blood... I feel certain that my other suspicion was probably true... that my shot must have hit him in the protruding phalanges there sticking up from his Vertebrae by the shoulder region instead. The shot a little high. That was how it hit a solid enough structure like that to impart that energy such that it caused him to barrel-roll like I saw. Is what I now figure.