Man kills mountain lion with a shovel in Colorado

What a pussy ass lion. Guys need to start carrying a shovel rather then a pistol it sounds like if they're worried in the Backcountry.
Sounds like the dog had his hackles up and was protecting his human. What a good boy.
Yes, he is. Follow-up reports indicate that the lion was prowling around the area at night and then began to act aggressively. The husky took him on. Decisive and brave action from the fellow with the shovel and the husky as well.
Shovels need to be regulated.

They are already heavily regulated in California, Canada and Britain.

From Canadian criminal law section 42~1.1-22: Possession of a shovel; Common or ordinary citizens may own, possess and openly carry a shovel without a permit as long as it meets the following restrictions and they receive approval from their RCM regional office. The handle can be no longer than 130 cm x 6 cm diameter; the shovel head must be under 30 cm long and under 25 cm wide with all sharp corners removed and all edges rounded. Total weight must be under ...
A “shovel” can be super helpful for putting down all manner of animals. Trappers carry trowels for all kinds of uses including dispatch.

The JC Connor diggers are all metal, have a thick but narrow blade, a knurled handle and render raccoons and coyotes unconscious with one good rap on the forehead. Foxes and bobcats you just drop it on the forehead and they are out like a light. Cats are he pretty easy to knock out.

Not sure what kind of shovel this guy had, probably not an all metal trapping trowel but a short/stout camping shovel wouldn’t be bad. I’ve dispatched road wounded deer when out on the trapline with one good strike on the back of the head.

Good on the guy for dealing with an aggressive lion.

These trowels are great tools. I don’t trap much anymore but use it for stuff all the time.

I honestly don’t know what’s more insane. The fact that people in 2024 can’t define a woman, or the fact that CPW is questioning this man’s motives for having to kill an apex predator with a shovel at obvious close range.
Where did they question his motives?

CPW’s preliminary finding was that the man acted out of fear for his life and in self-defense when the lion acted “unusual and extremely aggressive.”
Where did they question his motives?

I read it somewhere for sure last week. Did they update the article or edit a quote? The end says it’s still an open investigation, which is odd.

And this is retarded -
“Since the man was not touched by the lion nor sustained any injuries, this incident does not qualify as a mountain lion attack according to CPW”

Any apex predator that get aggressive at a shovels length is an attack. Without a weapon he’d been chewed on.
Not saying he's lying but it's hard to believe a single whack killed a 100lb lion.

I killed a feral tomcat with shovel (long story) and I had to beat the shit out of that thing to finally kill it.
Shovels don't have much mass and it's spread over a large surface area.

Edit: Read the story on another website and he too beat the shit out of the cat, several licks to take it down.
I thought the same thing. I watched a mountain lion through my binoculars grab an elk and roll down a steep hill into a creek bottom. Hard to believe an animal capable of that could be killed by a man with a shovel. Perhaps it was sick.