luxury item- food


Feb 24, 2012
theres a lot of talk about "luxury " items we are willing to pack extra weight for. pillows, stoves, clothes and even optics to a degree but what about food. what food are you willing to pack even though it doesn't make a lick of sense. for me its sour patch kids. sometimes the only pick me up I got is sitting down for a minute with a little bag of sour patch kids. can do wonders for my moral but really gives me nothing I need nutritionally. im thinking about maybe packing some dry salami this year too. I found dry salami nuggets pre packaged and there a little like crack. they however would give me something and meet the 100 cal per once standard that I have for food. so how about you? what's that food that you don't need but gotta have out there? if I could figure out a way to pack cheeseburger's id have it made, I usually want one of those about 20 minutes into the hike in
its only wasted weight if it is under 100cal per ounce for me. Otherwise its all calories. I usually bring poptarts. Sometimes ill carry my dragonfly stove so I have can cook pancakes and bacon as well as get a little more fancy with fish or whatever is on the menu for the trip.
If you like shot blocks and sour patch kids try the Stinger fruit energy chews. Pure joy in the backcountry. I a lot a pack a day.

Funny you say that about sour patch kids. I don't eat candy normally & I don't know why but I crave the hell out of those things when I am up there.
I take Backpackers pantry cheesecake and mousse pie. That stuff is amazing, and it meets the 100 cals per ounce. You can also take jello, and other dehydrated sweets to make some great concoctions in the backcountry
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A lot of dark chocolate for sure... and some salty licorice...
It feels like I get extra energy from chocolate and the salty licorice is nice when I've been sweating.