- Joined
- Feb 24, 2012
theres a lot of talk about "luxury " items we are willing to pack extra weight for. pillows, stoves, clothes and even optics to a degree but what about food. what food are you willing to pack even though it doesn't make a lick of sense. for me its sour patch kids. sometimes the only pick me up I got is sitting down for a minute with a little bag of sour patch kids. can do wonders for my moral but really gives me nothing I need nutritionally. im thinking about maybe packing some dry salami this year too. I found dry salami nuggets pre packaged and there a little like crack. they however would give me something and meet the 100 cal per once standard that I have for food. so how about you? what's that food that you don't need but gotta have out there? if I could figure out a way to pack cheeseburger's id have it made, I usually want one of those about 20 minutes into the hike in