Looking for suggestions on a tent for AK

Nov 7, 2012
South Brooks late August/ early September. Two people (3 person tent). Plan to have a Redcliff for cooking/relaxing but looking for a more robust sleeping tent just in case. Would like to keep the price closer to $500 than $1000. I know people have weathered some good storms in the Redcliff but should something happen I would like to have a plan B.
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OP be wary of a tunnel tent if you haven't used one, they're not for everyone. Hille great quality though. I used a Hille Allak 2 in AK with no regrets other than expense.

True that. They are bomber for wind/storms if you’re used to setting them up. Little learning curve there.

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I han no issue setting em up, just got sick of all the gymnastics getting in and out of em.

Also that. Definitely trading some comfort for the weight/strength ratio of the design. Sounds like OP has a comfortable option for non bad weather though. Might be a good trade off for the non primary shelter

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I have used Cabela’s Guide tents(4 and 8 man) in the Brook’s range and never had a problem. The weather can get crappy and stay crappy for several days up there. I have lived in Fairbanks and hunted the North Slope for almost 30 years.

Had one of these when they were $1800. It disappeared on a move years ago.

Made a hell of a camp and we used a stove in it. Was pretty bomb proof in Wyoming. Would be a great Alaska tent if you could get one at a better price.
Hunted this area this past fall. We used a cheap tipi with wood stove (OneTigris) for drying gear/hanging out in and a Kuiu 3 man Mountain Star for sleeping. The Kuiu tent worked great and we had no issues - it's definitely coming with on future hunts. I run a smaller inflatable jet boat so I can't really afford the weight penalty of one of the bigger Cabelas guide tents.

I also used the Kuiu tent on a family camping trip to Seward this past summer and it blew pretty good one of the nights - tent held up fine.
If you plan on hunting up in AK again or looking for a more robust harsh weather tent I would suggest an Arctic Oven by Alaska gear co. Owned two in different sizes when I lived in AK. They stand the wind really well and very comfortable if you get fogged/weathered in.
I have used a Seek Outside 6 man tipi for 2 different Alaska drop hunts, with two men. We run a wood stove in ours and love it. No problem with bugs or draft.
tipis generally do not far well in alaska. A very robust tent in hillieberg red label
why do they fail in Alaska? just curious as my tipi gets setup on a lake and have had 80KPH winds and had no issues. I do tie it out with all 32 anchor points if the forecast calls for winds that high. I get 80KPH (50MPH) are not super high winds, but do you get sustained wind of over 60MPH or just gusting to that? We get some pretty solid gusting happening in the Mackenzie mountains hunting but nothing sustained at those speeds have been encountered yet, just on the lake.

for an emergency shelter the Kuiu mountain star is light and durable and it's nice to have your own space to sleep in if both are setup.