Looking for Euro Mount Ideas


Dec 5, 2014
Snyder Texas
I did a search already to see what I could find, but always enjoy seeing how people get creative to make cabin furniture and unique euro/trophy mounting ideas. So I thought I would query yall to post up and show off what ya have done. Not talking antler size or biggest of the big, just looking for some cool ideas for mounting taxidermy, euros, multiple euros into one display, maybe even some DIY accents you made for a man cave or cabin. Looking for ideas for a few euro skulls I have laying around, and maybe some XMAS gift ideas.
More traditional display than unique at my place, but here you go.


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I made a little stand for the dresser. I used one of the cheap steel threaded hooks from the hardware section, cut off the lobe flat, hooked it on the brain stem hole, secure as can be.

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I just started making arrowhead shaped plaques out of steel. Then paint them up to look like rock. Going to fabricate an elk one sometime soon to see how it comes out. (The wood is just a place holder for photos.)
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