Long shots

Anyone care to boast about their best or longest shot?

My best was a coyote at approximately 800 yards with a 270. 270 drops roughly 11 feet at 800 yards. A hail Mary for sure. Dog was on a dry lake bed. I tried to get back on target looking through the scope, a couple seconds later I lifted my head and the dog had vanished. I've shot ducks that I never saw, only heard the take off and flipped around and shot where it should be based off the sound. I've shot a quail that was 6" off my muzzle. Everything above the lower beak was gone. I used a Mossberg with a full choke to hunt ducks one day. 5 shots 5 birds. Closest shot was 50 yards longest a ways farther than that. Folks at the other end of the pond were amazed, I didn't tell them I was just as surprised.
Based on your examples, the title of your thread should be "Pot Shots" You are not speaking of precisely dialed shots based on a verified DOPE, based on referencing your 11 feet of drop for the coyote, as well as shooting at things you havnt even seen first with the Ducks. These are the type of shots that Fudds everywhere have always taken & which are not ethical or skilled, but based on blind luck. Please stop.
My max on game animals is about 450

I hate wasting meat and wounding animals.

I don't do much if any practice shooting.

Just make sure it's hitting where it should.

Coyotes I'll take a poke at any distance
Again, Please Stop.

Edit to add that these statements that you are making are most likely made out of ignorance. Your new here and probably have not had the mentorship or direction needed to pursue game in a way that is both respectful, safe and competent. If you decide to stick around, there are volumes of threads devoted to helping you learn, as well as members that will take their time to assist.
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Based on your examples, the title of your thread should be "Pot Shots" You are not speaking of precisely dialed shots based on a verified DOPE, based on referencing your 11 feet of drop for the coyote, as well as shooting at things you havnt even seen first with the Ducks. These are the type of shots that Fudds everywhere have always taken & which are not ethical or skilled, but based on blind luck. Please stop.
I get your point. To be more clear about shooting ducks I had not seen yet, when they took off I could hear them when I turned my gun was pointed right where it needed to be. My first glance there was three Woodies took off right under my feet behind me. I saw the two, knew there was a third, and my only window to shoot meant I had to pull the trigger before I saw the bird. I will take pot shot at coyotes, what difference is that from a squirrel or prairie dog? SO TO ALL YOU HIGH AND MIGHTY PREACHERS ON YOUR SOAP BOX... it's not Sunday yet.
P.s. since I've moved to an area that has very unpressured hunting areas, I have passed on many more birds than I have shot because I don't need to fill my bag.
I've been shooting since I was 7 years old. I don't need to practice my shooting any more than I need to practice on my carpentry skills. Ok preacher.
Im sorry if my thread gave anyone the assumption I crack a shot at anything I see within a mile of me. I was simply trying to get some stories out of people to see what limits of range others have set for themselves. 450 is not an unethical shot if the circumstances are correct. If you think that taking a stab a coyote is any different than the ground squirrel, you must not have many where you live. Where I live I pay 3$ on top of every license, tag, stamp, application to fund the government to kill as many as possible. It adds up fast. So I will shoot at any coyote within a reasonable distance. Assumptions are often false. As are yours. Bird hunting is fast paced and id happens in the blink of an eye. I'm willing to bet you could not tell a mallard drake from a drake common merganzer when it's flying 50 mph past you at 30 yards. You goat hunting is a little different from what I do. No I don't take shots at deer when they're running, too far away, in a tiny open spot in a sea of brush, etc. Thanks for the condescending remarks Mr. Alaska
Calm down. You are on a western mountain hunting forum called Rokslide.. Most people on here hunt/watch game for days before pulling the trigger. And shoot hundreds of rounds in practice before firing on a big game animal. People like Ben are the ones you should be learning and seeking guidance when it comes to mountain hunting. Not attacking.

Sounds like I come from a similar place as you. Waterfowl, upland, and yotes on the Prairie. I will say I have hunted with many different people with different ideals over the years..

What I know now.
- ducks can be identified. Wait for them to circle back if hunting. Watch/identify the birds in the field or pond when you are scouting in advance. We have restrictions on specific birds for a reason. Mistakes have and do happen but you need to learn from them. If the birds are good I like to camp out in my blind for 15-30 mins after just watching the ducks pour in. Times like that can not be described.

-In my area at least.. coyotes are not held in high regard. However that doesn't mean holding two deer high, three deer left, with a duplex reticle, gut shooting, and leaving to die. Maybe it comes with age IDK.. At some point in my thirties I began to value or respect life to much higher level. To me that means worrying more about my target animal (aka Food) and far less about the random critters I could kill/hunt.

I will hold off on further lecture and reiterate my first statement.. be aware of the group you are posting to. Also this forum I believe holds people to a higher standard of hunting. Hopefully you can glean some good information and be a contributing member.
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