800 yard rifle in 8 shots

Nice! Seems like a good weight for packability but still enough lbs for holding steady on shots. Thanks.
Yeah it’s a pretty good happy medium for sure!

Awesome setup, what do you like to shoot to be CA compliant?
I shot hammer bullets in the past. But this year I’m shooting McGuires. So far they shoot great and show promise with terminal performance based off a few coyotes and a pig
It really only takes 25-30 rounds to get them barrels sped up. Some are more stubborn and take longer but rarely is it enough too throw you out of kill zone out to 1000. Sorry never login here @huntnful glad 6prc was easy. Next barrel ill give it the old prefit treatment and you can waste some lead
Got any contact info.

I have been toying with the idea of my first wildcat 6mm round and having an absolute hotrod that can hunt everything in the lower 48 (I’m in wa no 22 cal on big game) seems like a sweet rifle.
Got any contact info.

I have been toying with the idea of my first wildcat 6mm round and having an absolute hotrod that can hunt everything in the lower 48 (I’m in wa no 22 cal on big game) seems like a sweet rifle.
Shoot me a pm
Got a new 6 PRC. So went out to get some rounds down the barrel, with a 1gr. lighter charged load than from what I had in my old 6 PRC. Bore sighted it, and then hit the range really quick with 12 rounds, just to make sure it liked the bullet/powder combo.

The gun was built by @barehandlineman at High Voltage Armory. I put a 3-18 Tenmile on it.

View attachment 732312

109 ELDM
60gr. N570
CCI 200

First 5 shots down the barrel
View attachment 732313

I made a quick zero adjustment based off the measurements given by my handy little app lol. Set the zero, and then just went straight to my target that I had at 780 yards to make sure the load would hold and check for drops really quick as well.

Shots 6,7 & 8 down the barrel

Then I dialed back to zero and and shot a .5” 4 shot group pretty centered up on the bullseye.

I went home, cleaned the barrel, and loaded up 100 rounds lol.

Obviously I’ll spend more time shooting the rifle before I’d really consider it dialed in and ready for longer range killing. But it really was that simple of a range trip for a brand new rifle and load.
What stock is that beauty in?
Got a new 6 PRC. So went out to get some rounds down the barrel, with a 1gr. lighter charged load than from what I had in my old 6 PRC. Bore sighted it, and then hit the range really quick with 12 rounds, just to make sure it liked the bullet/powder combo.

The gun was built by @barehandlineman at High Voltage Armory. I put a 3-18 Tenmile on it.

View attachment 732312

109 ELDM
60gr. N570
CCI 200

First 5 shots down the barrel
View attachment 732313

I made a quick zero adjustment based off the measurements given by my handy little app lol. Set the zero, and then just went straight to my target that I had at 780 yards to make sure the load would hold and check for drops really quick as well.

Shots 6,7 & 8 down the barrel

Then I dialed back to zero and and shot a .5” 4 shot group pretty centered up on the bullseye.

I went home, cleaned the barrel, and loaded up 100 rounds lol.

Obviously I’ll spend more time shooting the rifle before I’d really consider it dialed in and ready for longer range killing. But it really was that simple of a range trip for a brand new rifle and load.
What stock is that?
Never even heard of that model. Some custom design? I like the negative comb but it looks like you could still clean it without removing the stock.
The comb is actually dead flat. No taper in either direction. And you can clean it by just removing the bolt. It’s a solid stock for sure.

You can get one from unknown munitions or directly from Dallas Lane at lane precision