Lightweight Backcountry 6.5 Creed Rifles Under $1000

check the used market, I got my kimber mountain ascent 300wm for 1100.00 from a guy here on Rokslide. It has become one of my favorite rifles.
That's my choice. I've owned three now, brand new out of the box, and all three have been tack drivers even with their 20" pencil barrel.
I loves me some AccuTrigger man! Love how by feel I know exactly when the trigger is at the wall and about to break if I go past that point. So you draw it back to that wall once you feel good about the crosshairs, thensort out the breathing and since it breaks with very little throw, it gives less opportunity for your motions to introduce waggle to the barrel during the shot, from your trigger finger exerting sideways type forces against it. Since it breaks with very little throw, almost no chance for you to impart shake onto the rest of the rifle from tht trigger pull before the bullet gets launched!

Had an even better experience with the AR15 when I dropped-in the CMC Straight-shaped Trigger that's preset to like 2.5 Lbs, and can even be made lighter if ya wanted, but ya won't, cause it's that good! It GREATLy helped on the AR because that bushMaster was apparently a CQB model so the trigger was a reDONKulous 11-Lbs pull before!
How’s Carbon would get a hard look from me and Tikka is always a solid option.

I had an opportunity to setup a Kimber Hunter in 6.5 for a friend. I did not like it. The magazine was finicky, especially when trying to load 3 rounds. The bolt on it wasn’t that smooth. They’re overpriced for what you get.
I loves me some AccuTrigger man! Love how by feel I know exactly when the trigger is at the wall and about to break if I go past that point. So you draw it back to that wall once you feel good about the crosshairs, thensort out the breathing and since it breaks with very little throw, it gives less opportunity for your motions to introduce waggle to the barrel during the shot, from your trigger finger exerting sideways type forces against it. Since it breaks with very little throw, almost no chance for you to impart shake onto the rest of the rifle from tht trigger pull before the bullet gets launched!

I must have gotten used to the Accutrigger on my first Savage (model 10 in .308) and after having gone around the block on sub-1k rifles, I came back to it. Like you, I'm a fan. I know guys that hate the Accutrigger. That's okay. My son loves it too and asked me to find him a LWS in .308, which I gave him for his birthday this year. That Accutrigger just works for me. I sometimes wish you didn't have to remove the action to adjust it, but that's probably better for the typical consumer anyway.

I have no idea what it is about those tiny LWS 20" pencil barrels, but damn they shoot.

Only knock I have on the LWS as it comes from the factory is that large gap between the stock and the barrel. I wish they could have done that a bit better. It's purely cosmetic, but that's not an inexpensive rifle.
Tikka. Load longer than SAAMI to get closer to lands and bridge the gap to PRC. Super happy with my hand loads and their performance. Awesome guns for the $$ and about 6.2lbs.
Tikka. Load longer than SAAMI to get closer to lands and bridge the gap to PRC. Super happy with my hand loads and their performance. Awesome guns for the $$ and about 6.2lbs.
I liked all the Tikka rifles I owned (4) and they were all very accurate. I just wish they were shorter. My SA Savage LWS's are more than 3" shorter than the Tikka and it's noticeable in the field - at least to me.
I am recoil shy and do not want to use a brake. For me, a Tikka superlite is as light as I will go with a 6.5 CM.
Drink the cool aid!

did someone say t3x superlite in 6.5c

Tikka+ one more
Mags are plastic but so are my Glock mags.
Tikka, have owned a few and they all shoot whatever load I put through them very well.

Bought a used savage lightweight hunter for my daughter , it fits the bill and I paid much less than 1000.
As a few others have mentioned, the Browning X-Bolt Hell's Canyon seems to get a ton of praise. I held one at the store and loved the way it felt in my hands, but haven't gotten to shoot one before.
I love the Tikkas, and just got myself a T3x Roughtech in 300 WM. I think it's much more refined and enjoy every part of it more than my buddy's A-Bolt (would hope so, considering the price difference). If I had found a Hells Canyon under a grand, I may have gone that route, but I have zero complaints about the Tikka so far. Highly recommend!
What makes you say that?

Great question. I was struggling the past few weeks with load dev for the Weatherby. I was getting weird single wild flyers out of a group like I've never seen before. Coming from always having rifles with free floated and heavier barrels, it is my first rifle with a lightweight more classic hunting barrel and I picked it over the Tikka. I actually have a thread going in the Reloading section (edit: on Long Range Hunting forums) on this where a lot of members here have chimed in to help me quite a bit, and I seem to have finally eliminated the flyer thanks to their suggestions and got it shooting very nicely in my latest trip to the range just yesterday. I think I can say I retract! Although Tikkas do still look very nice and I'm sure I'd be happy with one of them as well. The Weatherby Vanguard looks like it is a great shooter after all. I like the way it points for me with the Monte Carlo shaped stock and I really like the spiral fluted barrel.
Man, the only downside to the Tikkas really seems to be the lack of a 22" barrel option...Would be very nice to shave off that length
Only? Haha. Not to be a jerk but there are lots of other downsides! They are great rifles for people who only care about how it shoots and nothing more. There’s no denying the accuracy. But for those of us who appreciate build quality and craftsmanship over cost cutting measures, my goodness, there are better options!
Only? Haha. Not to be a jerk but there are lots of other downsides! They are great rifles for people who only care about how it shoots and nothing more. There’s no denying the accuracy. But for those of us who appreciate build quality and craftsmanship over cost cutting measures, my goodness, there are better options!

Can you please lay out specifically the mechanical issues with Tikkas? From barrel, to trigger, to action, to bolt? Not a bait, it’s a real question.
Only? Haha. Not to be a jerk but there are lots of other downsides! They are great rifles for people who only care about how it shoots and nothing more. There’s no denying the accuracy. But for those of us who appreciate build quality and craftsmanship over cost cutting measures, my goodness, there are better options!
And which rifles are available for under $1000 brand new that have an appreciable build quality and craftsmanship that do not have a positive impact on cost? The $1k price limit was set by the oP.

Nothing wrong with having different priorities when it comes to what folks want in their firearm. But if one person has a priority that differs from another, it doesn’t make that person superior.
And which rifles are available for under $1000 brand new that have an appreciable build quality and craftsmanship that do not have a positive impact on cost? The $1k price limit was set by the oP.

Nothing wrong with having different priorities when it comes to what folks want in their firearm. But if one person has a priority that differs from another, it doesn’t make that person superior.
I totally agree with you. Since you asked, I think I responded to this question earlier, but one answer is a M70! There’s no comparison in build quality.
Tikkas are one of the best rifles in their price range for fit and finish. I don't "like" Tikkas, but I admire their design (especially their trigger), accuracy, and quality control.