Drop test of the Leupold Mark4HD 6-24 was performed today with sub optimal conditions utilizing a sub optimal drop surface. This test will be performed again once weather conditions clear up and the correct drop pad is utilized.
Weather conditions: 23F with lack of consistent visibility at 100 yards. The test was constantly interrupted due to lack of target visibility and the aiming points were not clearly visible at all times during this test.
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Drop Surface: The ground was was frozen. The bottom pad is around 1/4” and was frozen solid as well as being frozen to the ground. The top shooting pad is also 1/4” thick.
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Rifle: Terminus Zeus QC action, proof barrel, Rokstok, M5 bottom metal, atlas bipod, and a thunderbeast suppressor. A 22” 6.5 creedmoor barrel was screwed on for this test. The rifle/optic was assembled correctly and torqued to spec along with using nail polish/thread locker.
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Zero- 5 sighter shots were fired. Shifted .1 mils down and .5 mils right. Once the turrets were slipped a 20 shot zero was fired to create a baseline.
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Return to Zero: the elevation turret was dialed up/down 25 mils 10 times and then a 5 round group was fired to confirm.
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Drop Test: There was nothing out of the ordinary as far as a POI shift until I got to the last 3 36” drops on all sides of the optic. Most of the time when the 36” drops were performed the rifle bounced off the pad and landed onto the frozen ground.It sounded like I was dropping the rifle on asphalt. The last 3 shots clearly shifted erratically from the drops and the last 10 shot zero confirmation shifted up by 1mil. This test will be performed again with the correct drop surface used.
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