Leupold Mark 4 HD 6-24x52…drop test

Looking at the Leupold website, the FFP TMR 2.5-10 that HAS illumination looks to have a .1mil center dot and .1mil inner reticle thickness, similar to the Maven SHR-Mil. Anyone have the illuminated version in hand to confirm this?

The non-illum 2.5-10 TMR FFP shows a .05 thick reticle and no inner dot.
The above pics from @ChrisAU indicates it is indeed thicker than the non-illuminated and you can see in the pic that it does also have a center dot.
Looking at the Leupold website, the FFP TMR 2.5-10 that HAS illumination looks to have a .1mil center dot and .1mil inner reticle thickness, similar to the Maven SHR-Mil. Anyone have the illuminated version in hand to confirm this?

The non-illum 2.5-10 TMR FFP shows a .05 thick reticle and no inner dot.
It's become clear that you are correct. I bought the non-illum because it's a better value proposition vs the Maven RS 1.2, not realizing that the reticle would be so challenging. As you state, the Illuminated version of this reticle as a .1 center dot instead of a .1 center gap, furthermore it has thicker stadia. I may have to buy one. Ugh.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 4.41.36 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-07-23 at 4.41.25 PM.png

Well. Dammit. I was going to go with the non-illum version if this thing held up. I really like reticles that have that little dot. The old SWFA 6x MOA I had was like that. The Mil is not. I liked the MOA reticle better because of it.
The dot in a box is a great reticle. I find it much easier to use than the standard cross hair.
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I have two of the 2.5-10x42 ffp tmr non illuminated scopes. I use a diamond at 100 yards and aim at the tip with the open reticle. I have shot some pretty tight groups with this method. I really like this reticle for hunting.
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2.5-10 passed the drop test tonight. I’ll upload more later. Liking it much more than I expected to.

You’ll see 1-2” of maximum worst case scenario parallax error at 100 yards. At 500 yards a 2-300 setting will do you fine. It’s a bit funny. This is really just a 100 yard zero issue. You can easily see the shift for yourself with the head shake test.

For better or worse, the 2.5-10 lacks parallax adjustment. One way to ensure there's no error, though it's a bit janky, is to back your head up until there's a slight black ring, and center that black ring in the scope tube.

I noticed the 2-5-10 doesn’t have an adjustable parallax, did this bother you at all?

Good point on parallax, you’d think with a scope meant to dial and shoot far would have parallax adjustment

Looks like it’s set at 150 yards

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I ran the numbers on the max parallax error with that 2-10x42. Not sure I could see a difference at 700 yards


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Yeah, about a tenth max at 100 and 2 tenths max at 700. It's not ideal but it's probably not material. When I zero a scope like this, I back my eye up to center the black ring which eliminates the error entirely (at the expense of some complexity).

I'm not loving the idea of spending another grand, but I do really want to test the center-dot reticle. Does anyone here want the scope I dropped?

Figured it was about time I did an update on this. The scope has since been moved to my 22GT and since zero’ing it’s seen about another 200ish rounds or so and has bounced around in my truck a fair bit. Here’s a 20 shotter, 10-12 off a bipod and heavy rear bag the other 8-10 were over my pack and lightweight rear bag. I think I may hunt with this scope. Unless it fails between now and rifle season in a few weeks. Then I checked dope again at 605. First one was left and a hair low, held about .2 right and fired 3 more. Still a little low, dialed another .1 elevation and got a more centered impact, orange circle is 4.5”. Excuse the crappy pic, took it from a poor quality video.
Figured it was worth posting another update, scope has rode in my truck for atleast 750+ road miles (front seat, back seat and floorboard) + about 100ish miles of forest service roads. Used it to shoot a deer this week and just got back from checking zero, here’s a 10 shotter.
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I bought the 2.5-10ffp TMR illum. I haven’t shot with it yet, but so far I like it for what it’s going on, which is a light weight “walking” rifle.
Well looks like I may have to include these for a future purchase. Thanks for the testing, I love it!
I feel like every time I get back from a hunt or shooting I need to update this thread just to document how this scope is doing. Went out a couple weeks ago to scout, didn’t see much so decided to try a cold bore shot just before I hiked out.

Fast fwd to this weekend, took my wife out on a deer hunt. Logged about 45 miles with the gun strapped like so to my pack bungee’d onto the front rack of the wheeler. Plus a couple falls one on a steep side hill where I lost both my feet to slick grass and somehow pinched the rifle between my face and the ground with all my body weight. Put a nice hole in my cheek with the ckye pod foot and banged up my wrist a little. All before she shot a deer with it at 215 yards. Photo of my cheek for a good laugh, luckily I didn’t catch it in the throat or neck.
On my way out to do a 10 shot group to see how it’s held up.
Will update once I do that.

EDIT: Here is the 10 shot group from a little bit ago. Definitely not as nice looking as the previous but I don’t plan to move it at this point.
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