Let’s see those 2019 antelope

My sons first big game hunt. He had a choice between this buck (which somebody wounded) and a really nice buck that was with it. He made the choice to shoot the wounded one. Couldn’t be more proud of him!!!

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Awesome!! He'll get repaid for that act of mercy and maturity many times in his life. You must be very proud of this young MAN!
My only hope this year was to shoot a bigger buck than the one I shot last year. I'm still inept at field-judging, but this guy had the classic heart-shape, had just chased off a smaller buck, and presented a great shot on BLM land so I went for it. Glad I did -- we hunted does for three more days and never had another shot at any buck of any size.

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Seemed like way more hunters this year too, compared to last year, when we hunted the same easy-draw NE WY unit. Trucks full of dudes blowing past us to beat us to a public spots as we were walking the soggy road, guys shooting from the road, etc. I know it's public land that belongs to all of us but I always try to treat other hunters the way I would want to be treated, and if there's already truck (or two!) parked at a small chunk of public, I'll skip it. Apparently not everyone thinks the same way.

Partially the extra pressure was probably due to the weather (all the roads were sloppy so everyone was hunting off the good county roads). We did get a pair of nice does, too, but had to work hard for them. Hiking to the back corner of sections of state land to look into shallow draws, belly crawling, etc. Still a super fun hunt, but we will have to reevaluate our unit and plan for the next time we go.
Our group got our 3 bucks in Wyoming this year. Weather was touch and go getting there from Minnesota but we had fun.

You guys must have been out there just after us. We hunted first week of October and had snow when we got there and we got out just as the big storm blew in. Probably passed us on the highway in SD, ha. Glad you had success! Nice bucks and some serious rifles too.
My first buck. Eastern Wyoming. 2 hr stalk, 2 + mi walk, 60 yard belly crawl and a 5 minute wait with the scope on him to get a clean shot. He went 20 yards and did the wobble.


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Hell yeah! Let's hear the story of the stalk!

There was an ambush involved also. Hey, I'll take what I can get!

I had sat in a blind I had up until about 0900 with no activity. I had places to be later in the day so I decided to call it. On the walk back to the truck (about 1 mile), I came around the string of hills and spotted a group of does heading up into a low saddle I had been keeping an eye on for awhile. I quickly backtracked around and up (about .5 mile), getting up into the saddle. I duck walked to the edge where I could see and spotted the does below about 90 yds. I hunkered down on top as the does filled up and over. No buck with the bunch but my gut told me he was following. I set my bow down and crawled out where I could see better. The buck rounded the lower hill and started moving up.

I crawled back, grabbed my bow and backed off the saddle. Kneeling, I sucked into a sagebrush hoping to minimize my silhouette. The buck crested and stopped somewhere between 40-45 yds (I had ranged the spot where the does crossed @35 and guessed he was a bit further). Drew back, settled pin and let fly. As he whirled I saw dirt kick up behind as he bolted back the direction he came from. I quickly walked out to where I thought he was standing, nothing. I looked where the dust kicked up and saw the arrow about 12yds away. Bright red blood from tip to tail! Looking down the saddle I couldn't see him so I started following the path I thought he took. Still not finding blood (I found out I missed his trail by about 7 ft) I turned to side hill and caught the smell of goat/sheep; something that was familiar but not the same. I turned up into the wind and climbed a short distance and there he was, piled up in the small depression on the side hill. He'd sprinted about 40 yds and died on his feet. Perfect 10 ring hit. I'm super happy with him. And boy is he tasty!

Definitely right place right time.
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Didn’t get one but had a fun time trying, I was on a ton of pronghorn everyday and had multiple stalks. Just Gotta practice my long range shooting over the next year, although the wind in Wyoming didn’t help me any last week. Only had one bad incident with some other hunters the last day but guess that’s public land hunting. However I’m already making plans for next year.
Not sure about any addiction, but my wife and I enjoy hunting them quite a bit.

Damn Buzz, that is one helluva collection you and your wife have. It's beautiful. Looks like a LOT of memories on that shelf and counter. Good job on the big guy you got thes season as well!
Damn Buzz, that is one helluva collection you and your wife have. It's beautiful. Looks like a LOT of memories on that shelf and counter. Good job on the big guy you got thes season as well!

How has the season been for you this year? Got any plans for Wyoming soon?