LEM, Weston, Cabela's grinders

I've had the auger heat up before. The plate doesn't need to be tight at all. Snug it till it touches and call it good. I haven't lubed mine ever in my 600 plus pounds of meat it's ground.
Get the foot pedal for tha Cabelas grinder. It really helps in many ways. Keeps your dirty hands off the switch, enables control, especially when stuffi g tu es, and it prevents continous running which helps control heat.
Dont get me wrong that grinder went through the meat like it was nothing, and was extremely quiet while at it! I was impressed for a short time!

Yep, I was using a foot pedal that day. The meat was slightly frozen. When I say the feeding tube was frosty cold, I mean when I was grinding, the tube was cold enough to make a layer of frost on the outside of the tube. The thing was cold. The motor and auger were hotter than hell though. I don't mean it was kind of hot and some silver skin got wrapped up and discolored. I mean the shit was baked on, and the auger was almost too hot to handle. It was no different than cleaning burned meat on a cast iron pan. It was a bitch to scrape off with a scotch pad. I'm glad that I'm in the minority and that you guys have had good luck with yours. I'm just putting out what my experience was.
I’ve got the cheaper cabelas version and it has done very well for me over the years. If I upgrade I don’t have any problem going with a cabelas brand grinder again.
You can look on Craigslist and find older commercial units like Hobart etc for a good deal. Few friends went that route and love them

We have Hobart that has been in the family for 30+ years. Just put $100 into a new plate and blade. Overall it’s been an awesome machine.

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Another vote for the Cabelas 1HP, have had ours for 4 years and have ground 100lb+ at a time when doing sausage days and have had no issues. Keep the parts in the freezer leading up to the grind and keep meat slightly frozen and have not had it overheat.
Bonus, we got ours before the BP buyout and the 3/4 was on sale but super backordered. Store gave us a 1HP for the sale price of the 3/4! Big win!
I just ordered the 3/4 hp Weston. Should be delivered tomorrow. All my venison is ground but hoping to try it on some turkey
Anyone ever bought a second head for your grinder and swapped them in and out of a freezer in alternating fashion?
I have a LEM #22 1 hp. Happy happy happy. Grinds faster than I can feed it.
I used a hand grinder and a kitchennaid attachment for years. Glad I made the investment.
Went from a small lem to a cabelas carnivore this last season and the biggest difference in time savings came from not having to cut the hunks of meat as small
I just finished grinding up 25lbs of pork butt for country sausage with my LEM.
The head pulls off and is easy to clean in the sink. Enjoying the fruits of my labor.D9B08013-9EE7-47C9-9172-08767B9B0697.jpeg
i have a 1hp cabelas. first grind is through the grinding horn (basically cubes the meat) and second grind is through fine blade. i've been extremely impressed with the performance through a couple hogs and deer.
I used a LEM #12 big bite 0.75 HP grinder for 12 years and was very happy with it. No issues, no hot auger. For the last two years I have used a LEM #22 big bite 1.0 HP. The #22 grinds faster and will take larger pieces of meat through the larger neck size. Also a very nice unit, but larger and heavier and more difficult to move if that is a factor for you. All of the LEM accessories I have are quality made.
1hp Cabela’s is a tank I’ve butchered a lot with it beef, deer, hogs. It blows through a deer so quick it’s almost not worth getting it out until you have a couple to do. It’s a lot of grinder