Leafy jacket / suit recommendations


Nov 28, 2023
Mainly looking for one that is lightweight and easy to pack in and out and put on over clothing.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a leafy top? I hunt northwest Florida and bow season is October and can be warm. Spring turkey can get warm too.

Seems like the top ones I see are ASAT, north mountain gear, and first lite.

Anyone tried more than one and can compare?
Leaning towards first lite because it says it's very lightweight.
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I have the first lite and had a natural gear one. I kept the first lite because of the full zip, way better to me than the pullover. Mine is a couple years old, use it for ground hunting to break up my outline a little bit
I have the first lite and had a natural gear one. I kept the first lite because of the full zip, way better to me than the pullover. Mine is a couple years old, use it for ground hunting to break up my outline a little bit
Did you get the head cover?
I started with a cabelas version. It was Ok.

Bought, wore and sold the Firstlite. I am XXl top and it didn’t have enough room for layers in cold.

Been using a north mountain for 5 years. Wish I would have found them first. Same price as cabelas. Far more durable and better quality. I bought the pseudo-ghillie version last year. Can’t say it works any better yet but I suspect it does. I have had deer stare me down at 10 yards and they can’t see me.

I have a first lite top. It's ok, looks pretty good after having been mudded/left out in the sun. The leafs nearest the zipper get caught, I need to snip them off. I do not have their hood.

The one looked above looks better, all things considered.
I have a first lite top. It's ok, looks pretty good after having been mudded/left out in the sun. The leafs nearest the zipper get caught, I need to snip them off. I do not have their hood.

The one looked above looks better, all things considered.
I agree the north mountain one looks better, I'm just worried it would be too hot. Trying to get some opinions.

North mountain also has some listed at $100 and some for $60... I'm not sure if it's the real tree camo costs more or if the cheaper ones are an older style or what
I like the full zip front, light weight and packability of the First Lite. I have the head cover and sometimes just wear it when at a brush ground blind. Both work well.
I would just make a headcover out of a boonie hat or add a neck veil to a cap. Will give you better visibility than having a mask over your face. Will have to paint face though.
The First Lite Phantom top is built for mid to late season layering in my experience. I ended up getting a 2nd one a size smaller for early season archery to wear over a base layer.

The head cover is one of my favorite pieces of gear and has taken up permanent residence in my pack. Comfortable even in hot weather and works great for dove and turkey.
OP please let us know what you end up getting. I hunt similar terrain in central Florida and have considered a leafy suit but have never bought one.
I have the ASAT suit, never felt the need to try anything else. The bottoms never get used but I like the top a lot. I'll use it regularly from September through January. It's a 'confidence boost piece' for me for sure.
OP please let us know what you end up getting. I hunt similar terrain in central Florida and have considered a leafy suit but have never bought one.
Leaning towards first lite due to people saying it's light weight. Our bow season isn't til October so I got some time before I have to commit.