Lava Ridge Wind Project - Wasting 76,000 acres in Idaho.

Jun 14, 2022
Eastern Washington State
I agree that Wind energy is a failed product and can not stand alone with out government subsidies. Here is a thought. Are there tribal lands involved, either under direct ownership or that had a historical significance? Even any local tribal communities would certainly have influence. The indigenous tribes are a force to be reckoned with if they get involved and are opposed to the project. I would try reaching out and see what their reaction to this is.
Jun 14, 2022
Eastern Washington State
I do not know how much disturbance there was to big game pre and post wind farm construction and now operations. Puget Sound Energy Wild Horse Wind farm does allow hunters and access to their property. Here is a short video about hunting access -

Again, not in favor of wind energy, but to be fair I can say, I have seen Elk herds migrating to and from winter feeding grounds, along with mule deer through the wind farm property. Not sure if they did an elk or deer census before and after. It would be nice to have a wild life / big game survey done before construction and then annually for 10 or 20 years to really study and document the results. I would hope that if the wind farm is built in Idaho, you would at least get your hunting access restored, that could even be negotiated into the deal and maybe include the private property as well as BLM property.

We have a half a dozen or more wind farms in WA state. Here is a link that describes just one of them.


Jun 18, 2022
This is from John Arkoosh, one of the organizers of the group pushing against these projects:

During the RAC tour the other day I told Luke Papez that since he was so proud of LS Powers self projected financial benefit to our little towns, that he should also share what subsidies and benefits they would receive from us the taxpayer. He acted incredulous as he told me that they would not receive any subsidies at all not one dime. I asked him if the would receive production tax credits. He acknowledged that they would but said it wasn’t a subsidy because they wouldn’t get a check. I did finally get him to admit that they would in fact receive 2.6 cents a kilowatt hour for their production which is currently planned to be 1200 megawatts for Lava Ridge. This amounts to $273,312,000 annual dollar for dollar tax credits. Which is the same as money in their pockets.

He can come up with all kinds of questionable projections to convince you of all the wonderful benefits of these projects, but seems to draw a blank when asked about the negative impact.

For $4,000,000 a year in taxes to Idaho
And $15,000,000 in right of way fees to the federal government.
They get in return:

$273,000,000 tax credits

1200 megawatts of power to sell to Southern California

70,000 acres of your land to permanently deface

Year round hunting rights on eagles,song birds bats, and monarch butterflies.

Your deer,elk and antelope.

Your sunrises and sunsets as well as your nighttime skies.

Your peace and quiet.

Your county roads.

Your cultural and historical sites.

And the list goes on.

Luke also proudly shared with me that all of this was being done to benefit two men on the east coast named Mike and Paul Segal, the owners of LS Power.
Here is quote from Paul for your reading enjoyment.

We will need to jump beyond the current financing model to get to where we need to go,” Segal said in an interview. “We think that there’s a place for us in getting control of great renewable-generation locations, and perhaps financing them and risk-managing them in a different way than what has been required of renewable developers over the course of the last 15 years.”

Here the breakdown. He plans to get CONTROL of your public lands, and FINANCE his little plan with your money!

Okay now times two for Salmon Falls.


Jan 15, 2015
He plans to get CONTROL of your public lands, and FINANCE his little plan with your money!

Course--it's genius. You ran the numbers on what the dumba$$e$ they negotiated with took. States often grant utilities some form of eminent domain power. Why in the world would you use that power and have to pay out money to various landowners (and their attorney fees) when the government is dumb enough to give you this kind of deal?


Jan 15, 2015
1200MW will never be produced, these projects always fall far short of the projections.

You're just trying to confuse things now. Next you'll say that EV won't give me the advertised 400 mile range and that the batteries will lose capacity over time. Why you trying to speak truth and gum up this "green revolution"?


Feb 24, 2016
Grand Jct, CO
And now, green azz Europe is going to Re start their coal plants. Seems wind and solar just won’t pick up the slack from nat gas being choked off by the Orcs.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
if you search, the think tanks have some great analysis papers on wind farms- essentially they are a joke. A small nuke can supply that energy way more efficiently, they dont melt down like the 1960’s tech, the fuel can be recycled- its a no brainer.