Late Season Muzzlelaoder Mule Deer Hunt

Way to go and that is a dandy buck.
And robby, that is a GREAT truck.
Don't listen to Avery.


I knew there was someone out there who could appreciate a real truck. Ask Ryan about that $14,000 warranty work on emissions on that new truck of his.

But I will say that he can listen to a podcast in his truck. I only have AM/ FM.

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I knew there was someone out there who could appreciate a real truck. Ask Ryan about that $14,000 warranty work on emissions on that new truck of his.

But I will say that he can listen to a podcast in his truck. I only have AM/ FM.

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$21,000 get it right.

Probley about what you spent on gas driving that gas hog hunting.
I knew there was someone out there who could appreciate a real truck. Ask Ryan about that $14,000 warranty work on emissions on that new truck of his.

But I will say that he can listen to a podcast in his truck. I only have AM/ FM.

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You can get an aftermarket bluetooth stereo installed for like $200
Robby, that video was awesome man! I love the excitement in your voice as Cash was closing in on the buck. So cool man! And, congratulations Cash on keeping cool in the heat of the moment and killing a great buck!
One of the better bucks we’ve seen. He’s got some decent mass. Seems like there’s some width but he won’t get up and walk around. He’s laid his head on the ground a few times and that’s when I can see his antlers.
When he lifts his head the brush hides his antlers. Even if he gets, up I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to see it because the brush is so thick up there


Why I think he’s big is because he’s about 2 miles away and I could see antlers. He’s got a hot doe back in that brush. He’s letting all these little bucks chase around with these girls in the sagebrush and he’s got his hidden. This is not the first time I’ve seen this and is why I rely on the calendar to tell me when the rut is, not what’s going on on the ground

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@coop22250 sent me the additional eyepieces for the Nikon ED 50 I did the review on last month

He sent me the 16x
& 24x (approx as the specs for the 50mm aren’t shown) wides non-variable.

They are nice but hands down the 40x variable is the best.

I ran it next to my 30x that came with the scope that I reviewed and I couldn’t see any downside to go with the 40 other than it’s a little bit heavier. I did not get to test them in low light so can’t speak to that, but I would imagine they’re very close.

Also my @Novagrade adapter fit every objective except for the one I own! As you can see in the lower picture that it won’t clamp down that small. There might be another Novagrade ring/adapter out there that will, and I haven’t checked Phoneskope.


Thanks @coop22250 for letting me use them. Now I want the 40x

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Well @VANDAL, you’re on your own now. We got some good recon for you today. Chat soon

Thanks for the invite. I owe you a hunt. Cash says thanks too.

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Robby, that video was awesome man! I love the excitement in your voice as Cash was closing in on the buck. So cool man! And, congratulations Cash on keeping cool in the heat of the moment and killing a great buck!

Thanks Justin. I’ve learned not to doubt muzzleloaders inside of 100 yards. They punch hard

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Well done both of you!

I love the truck banter, consider me in the previous century club. I tell my hunting hunting buddies it's because they don't make them like they used to.
Well done both of you!

I love the truck banter, consider me in the previous century club. I tell my hunting hunting buddies it's because they don't make them like they used to.

Ha ha ha ha! I’m pretty sure next time Ryan comes to southern Idaho to go hunting with me, he’ll be driving a Prius

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Ha ha ha ha! I’m pretty sure next time Ryan comes to southern Idaho to go hunting with me, he’ll be driving a Prius

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Here ya go upgrade over's got a cassette player along with an am/fm.
327,000 hard earned miles.


P.s.......that photo of you and your son next to the hanging deer is PRICELESS.
Reminds me of my dad and the good ol days.image.jpg