Late Season Muzzlelaoder Mule Deer Hunt

Dang it I just deleted my post.

Anyways...My reception is poor tonight for some reason at the tent so I can’t upload a video. Short story is no buck, no shot.

After about a 2 hr hike I got to within 230 yards until the terrain opened up and I was caught out exposed. Buck had me pegged. It was getting dark so I decided to just walk towards him to close the distance and he trotted off. Just not enough time for me to do a methodical, slow stalk. Also there were other deer and 4 bulls that cut off some angles.

He was a good buck though. 28ish wide, tall boxy frame. Really nice and heavy at the bases but with no eye guards. Basically he was a crab claw 4pt and a 160 type buck. Still he was cool.

In the pic in the center, slight-upper left you can see the small finger of timber I snuck through. It’s where the far ridge line flattens for a bit. Buck was in the burn.


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Sounds like a good buck Corey. Best one yet. Any reason to think he won’t be somewhere nearby there tomorrow?

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Had us worried there! Good luck tomorrow! What’s the plan?

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Hey Travis, while that buck was nice he’s not worth going back after. I’m thinking about glassing tomorrow morning, then packing up camp and moving about 30 miles. We’ve hit this area pretty hard.

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Had us worried there! Good luck tomorrow! What’s the plan?

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Hey Travis, while that buck was nice he’s not worth going back after. I’m thinking about glassing tomorrow morning, then packing up camp and moving about 30 miles. We’ve hit this area pretty hard.

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Sounds like a good buck Corey. Best one yet. Any reason to think he won’t be somewhere nearby there tomorrow?

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Man I just don’t think it’s worth the time and effort to go back. Might sound lazy but onX shows it’s about 3.75 miles and a 2500 ft climb to where that buck was from the truck.

He’s just not that impressive. I think a day could be spent better elsewhere

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Man I just don’t think it’s worth the time and effort to go back. Might sound lazy but onX shows it’s about 3.75 miles and a 2500 ft climb to where that buck was from the truck.

He’s just not that impressive. I think a day could be spent better elsewhere

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Agreed. Go find a better one. Good effort man.

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Here’s the video it finally downloaded so I figured I’d post it. Nothing new revealed just me blabbing on some more...

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Great video wrap up. The reason it’s going vertical like that is because when you’re holding the phone out horizontally, you might be tipping it just a little bit and so it can’t decide if it’s a vertical or horizontal video. Just FYI. We still get the message!

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Hahahaha. Cow elk it is. String up one of those mountain maggots for me!!

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