Great info and perspective here!
Why no wake up call when you were just hunting with the 7mm? You had to shoot the match to have the wake up call? Were you missing/wounding animals with the 7mm while hunting? I watch the NRL shoots often and don't think they mimic most hunting scenarios very well. Actual hunting seems MUCH less chaotic. Which is why I'm assuming you didn't have that light switch moment at all while actually hunting. But needed to shoot a match, with intentionally configured forced positions and fast paced scenarios to have it?
I was apart of 15 or so medium/big game kills this year. Only one was anywhere near hectic. And it was my own kill on a running pig at 300 yards. I was GLAD I had my 22 CM and not a big magnum in that scenario. Other than that, everything was pretty nonchalant, just lay down and kill it type stuff. From 80-1114 yards this year. I think that's why it's easy to be like "yeah it's not that big of a deal" when 90%+ of the kills you're on or apart of just aren't that hectic.
Edit to say, I redact that statement. I had another good buddy miss at 150 yards seated unsupported, and then again at 480 yards prone, due to wind paired with parachute bullets. Both great bucks. He was shooting a 300 WM with 180 TTSX's. Both scenarios would have absolutely benefited from smaller faster flying higher BC projectiles and more positional practice.
I wasn’t missing game, primarily because of the types of hunts and way that the animals presented. I feel like you, most are not hectic. The one moving game I have shot was a cow bison at 100-120 yards with a 308 win shooting the 185 jugs from a seated position.
As an aside, this is why I don’t argue if someone says they can kill with a magnum and don’t see the big thing about going smaller. I could keep my 7mm and keep killing. I think that the amount of practice with rifles and building solid positions gives me the tools and skill base to know when I can make the shot.
Of course shooting a smaller caliber often changes minds, like your story. Here’s a little more why I changed to answer your question.
Because I wasn’t missing game is why the NRL Hunter match surprised me. I thought it was different enough from the PRS type matches, that’s how it was billed. I already knew that my 7mm was less effective at the PRS matches because the time to build a position seemed so much shorter. I saw the difference between a 6.5 creed and 6 creed.
But, NRL Hunter time limits still stress me too much. And, competitions give my brain “buck fever” but I feel more zen and focused with game.
Going to a smaller caliber isn’t necessary for all people and situations. I once had the conversation about specifics with Form about my AZ style hunts with Coues, and he agree it was different.
But, going to a smaller caliber is so much more pleasing and does require less focus. I think that’s what I can often read between the line in your story.
It’s not just one thing that makes many switch, but it is the cumulative effect. I think a big hangup is letting go of the fear that we would be unethical/lose game. Ultimately seeing the effect of the small bullets and the increase in effectiveness lays that fear to rest.
Ultimately, I will still keep a 7 mag in the stable because of the external ballistic advantage/recoil for the 700-1000 yard range. Here in AZ, we don’t have the wind like others and some hunts are low enough elevation/temp to drop below 1800 dos too close. At first light/last light it often calms down to virtually nil.
But, I am shooting short barrel suppressed, so I am keeping my 25 mag and 22 BR, and ultimately building a 22 creed.