These threads really opened my eyes to the effectiveness of smaller calibers. I was very much set on magnums before. So I do think the experiences posted have done a lot of good.They won’t haha.
I’ve definitely posted my “experiences” and “opinions” on this “debate” many times here on Rokslide in lots threads over the years.
I’ve been a huge proponent of lower recoiling cartridges going back to way before Rokslide was a web site. I still have folks message me or come up to me in my hometown when bumped into and thank me for steering them to 6.5 and 6mm chamberings for hunting and shooting.
I appreciate everyone’s experiences and ideas but these threads always end up the same way. The only way to see this is live shooting in person snd looking at the results together and going “hmmm”. But the vast majority of folks would rather talk about it on the internet instead of going out and trying it.
For me personally I’ve shared enough replies and experiences of real shooters to the tune of hundreds of folks. The results are what they are and I’ve been vocal on those results on this forum.
I’ll be stepping away from these types of discussions moving forward as it honestly mostly seems like it’s falling on deaf ears with folks already having an idea in their head and can’t be tasked with even trying something else. However, if somebody asks me directly for my opinion and experience on a subject, I’m happy to answer or provide photos and videos of shooting.
The going back and forth and talking in circles with folks unwilling to video themselves shooting live or accept an open invitation from me in 4 options of states to meet up and shoot, its just a bit pointless to me at this point to “debate it”.
Appreciate everyone’s experiences and replies to me personally. Happy shooting and Merry Christmas to all you heathens!!!
I will be posting shooting videos, so if anyone is interested in a winter and spring full of hunting terrain shot scenarios, shooting “groups”, checking rifle zeros after nasty drives and pack outs, etc. I’ll be starting an “adventures” thread to check out sometime soon.