Kuiu web site

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Sep 22, 2013
Bruce, did you ever think that perhaps Kuiu finances its inventory and would like to sell down their inventory prior to the end of hunting season so they did not carry the inventory and related debt through the off-season? Hence why they did not offer sale pricing on the inventory not in stock/not financed? I'd think that angle would be pretty obvious to someone who has such a strong manufacturing/business background.

I for one cannot wait until backyard camping/photo shoot weather returns to SoCal...

Well as a conservative I sure hope you're wrong. Because if Kuiu is in the red on it's inventory and paying interest on production of clothing while printing and distributing it's complete full color catalog recently mailed with every SCI mag, RMEF mag and Huntin Fool mag subscriber (that had to be 250,000+ at what- about $4 each?) while simultaneously spending money on R&D and production of unrelated lines (like packs, tents and sleep systems) then they are in trouble and seriously mismanaged. That is a recipe for bankruptcy. But their margins are hopefully sufficient that your speculation is completely off base. May I ask what you do for a living?


Feb 24, 2012
Well as a conservative I sure hope you're wrong. Because if Kuiu is in the red on it's inventory and paying interest on production of clothing while printing and distributing it's complete full color catalog recently mailed with every SCI mag, RMEF mag and Huntin Fool mag subscriber (that had to be 250,000+ at what- about $4 each?) while simultaneously spending money on R&D and production of unrelated lines (like packs, tents and sleep systems) then they are in trouble and seriously mismanaged. That is a recipe for bankruptcy. But their margins are hopefully sufficient that your speculation is completely off base. May I ask what you do for a living?

You should cite your sources when you copy them word for word :). Didn't Beendare post part of this on AT?
Jul 30, 2013
You should cite your sources when you copy them word for word :). Didn't Beendare post part of this on AT?

For real... Bruce you come up with any "Facts" on your own or what??

An everyone, for the love of God stop using the term fanboy. We are grown men not 15 year old girls.


Sep 29, 2012
Well as a conservative I sure hope you're wrong. Because if Kuiu is in the red on it's inventory and paying interest on production of clothing while printing and distributing it's complete full color catalog recently mailed with every SCI mag, RMEF mag and Huntin Fool mag subscriber (that had to be 250,000+ at what- about $4 each?) while simultaneously spending money on R&D and production of unrelated lines (like packs, tents and sleep systems) then they are in trouble and seriously mismanaged. That is a recipe for bankruptcy. But their margins are hopefully sufficient that your speculation is completely off base. May I ask what you do for a living?

So you think that if Kuiu is potentially practicing financial discipline, marketing, and research and development at the same time, the company is seriously mismanaged? I will point out that virtually every successful business practice these functions simultaneously and it does not represent a "recipe for bankruptcy". It is humorous that you attempted to quantify Kuiu's marketing mailer expenditure and then refer to my hypothetical counter-point as why they may have structured the sale in the manner Kuiu did as"speculation" and then claimed it is off base. It's ridiculous.

Frankly, I am sorry I got sucked into this thread and am going to revert to avoiding the threads you dilute - apologies to the Rokslide community.
Jul 30, 2013
I feel like this should be a pretty simple concept, Kuiu does not want a ton of money tied up in stock. They in the grand scheme are a very small business and I would assume cannot afford to have a ton of their capital tied up. Combine that with the fact that they are constantly changing their product line it would make no sense to stock a ton of one item. Hell they were still trying to get rid of the original chugach a couple months ago. While I agree they should not be going Into other sectors like tents and sleeping bag, to be honest all of people will buy anything that a ram gets slapped on so really why not?

As far as them not honoring sale prices, to me it makes complete sense. Take s and s archery and the sale their 25% off, once they run out of a certain item, you just cannot buy it, it is not available so not an option to order. When it comes back in stock it will be at the full price. Kuiu is basically the same way except they are allowing you to get on a list so they make sure that you get the item in the next shipment (hopefully) Saying that it is a loan to Kuiu from their customers is foolish as they do no touch a dime until your product has shipped.

Any small CAD manufacturing or machining shops work the same way, as do foundries. They do not make a stock pile of any one item and sit on it until someone orders it. You order, they run it, you pay. Or they have a job, you bid, you get paid and do the job. That's how small manufacturing works.

Jason has made ALOT of choices that I personally do not like or agree with but it is his business to do with as he pleases, and clearly he Is successful in his endeavours, this is round 2 and It is growing just as well as round 1(sitka) did.

From now on let's deal in facts, not what we read on the Internet. No one knows how much Kuiu banks on products, what their margins are or how their supply works. No one knows how much they have spent on catalogs or advertising, and no one knows what really happens between him and his partners at sitka when Gore came on. So let's stop acting like we do

With the amount of shit I've talked about Kuiu in the past I cannot believe I'm coming to their defense...


Nov 6, 2012
Regardless of company or product you can label it anything and have pros and cons of each. What I dont get is why people tolerate average. I move my funds to comapnies and products I feel are first in class business. I love to support small business and my community but if they cant deliver quality or a product I move on. Sometimes that means buying on the net or another city.

The practice of having a sale on almost no real inventory is bad practice and they hope you will not notice your paying full price on backordered items.

Kuiu seems to need to use customers prebuy to purchase more inventory. If overseas tranportation is costing inventory issue well move it. The US is a great place and maybe we will bave product available. I dont mi d paying more for made I the USA. I pay for other products that way. I have never had issues with always having issues trying to give a company money and they have no stock.

I wish them the best but seems they want to do everything and be everything and they cant. They do clothes and have a great product. We all remeber jow poor thier qaulity checks were and how you could figure out what size or fit or why you cant get past the skinny forearms. Well I think Kuiu is doing.a great job getting properly sized clothes to the market. Well minus the neck gaiter.

Thier model is one for the books.


Nov 6, 2012
I wonder if this is a setup to sell Kuiu off?

I saw S and S deal too. At least First Lits has product. I have had an issue with FL on 1 piece that showed in stock and even with emails for a while couldn't get it straight. But with Kuiu it's a .akority of products.


Mar 31, 2014
Regardless of company or product you can label it anything and have pros and cons of each. What I dont get is why people tolerate average. I move my funds to comapnies and products I feel are first in class business. I love to support small business and my community but if they cant deliver quality or a product I move on. Sometimes that means buying on the net or another city.

The practice of having a sale on almost no real inventory is bad practice and they hope you will not notice your paying full price on backordered items.

Kuiu seems to need to use customers prebuy to purchase more inventory. If overseas tranportation is costing inventory issue well move it. The US is a great place and maybe we will bave product available. I dont mi d paying more for made I the USA. I pay for other products that way. I have never had issues with always having issues trying to give a company money and they have no stock.

I wish them the best but seems they want to do everything and be everything and they cant. They do clothes and have a great product. We all remeber jow poor thier qaulity checks were and how you could figure out what size or fit or why you cant get past the skinny forearms. Well I think Kuiu is doing.a great job getting properly sized clothes to the market. Well minus the neck gaiter.

Thier model is one for the books.

I am far from the grammar or spelling police....but jesus christ man. Read your post back to yourself before submitting. I read your post twice and became angry with myself for wasting my time!
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