Kuiu Verde 2.0

It also makes you look like you fell out of a cabelas catalog.. Lol

I mix them up... Often I run firstlite, kuiu and sitka all at the same time.

I like to mix my camo patterns anyway, I find it breaks up your silhouette better. I don't like being dressed from head to toes in the exact same pattern, it gives that blob appearance.


FYI, hope you guys aren't in a hurry for Verde 2.0

Apparently most of it won't get released for 8-12 months (per my friends phone conversation with CS)
It also makes you look like you fell out of a cabelas catalog.. Lol

I mix them up... Often I run firstlite, kuiu and sitka all at the same time.

Comments like this are weird. Where else on the planet do you get shit for matching your clothes well. On a side note I look like a goober with different camos as well.

I've never seen a guy wear a well put together suit and get shit for it. But if you match your hunting gear, it has a stigma.

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Its kinda looks like optifade forest. Of course the forest is much darker but beings though Jason was a co founder its no surprise he's doing this. I hope he doesn't change the vias. I love that camo.

Jason left in 2009 from Sitka, optifade forest was not released until 2010. It's said to actually be one of the bigger reasons he left Sitka, among other things.

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