Kuiu Summit Refuge 3P with Stove


Dec 29, 2018
Has anyone had experience using this tent? I’m considering it with the stove jack for Colorado Elk hunting this year, first and fourth rifle seasons. If so how big is it? I am looking for lightweight options for two dudes plus gear. It seems a little more cost effective then Kifaru or SO but if the quality/durability is suspect then I’ll save a little more money for a better option. I have Kuiu clothing which is awesome, but have zero experience with their equipment. Any help/advice would be welcome.

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I went to the Kuiu academy last weekend and looked at it quite a bit. I was really impressed with the size. And it is crazy light. The goat guide speaker said his guides use them. Apparently you have to pull them drum tight but they can withstand strong wind. One downside is they are sold a la carte, so it can add up to a seek tipi quickly. I regret buying one since they were running a special but still undecided myself. Good luck.


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Awesome thanks for the info and the pictures. Were you able to climb inside? It looks pretty big with room for two guys and gear. Was it tall enough inside to sit up in? Thanks again

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Has anyone had experience using this tent? I’m considering it with the stove jack for Colorado Elk hunting this year, first and fourth rifle seasons. If so how big is it? I am looking for lightweight options for two dudes plus gear. It seems a little more cost effective then Kifaru or SO but if the quality/durability is suspect then I’ll save a little more money for a better option. I have Kuiu clothing which is awesome, but have zero experience with their equipment. Any help/advice would be welcome.

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Awesome thanks for the info and the pictures. Were you able to climb inside? It looks pretty big with room for two guys and gear. Was it tall enough inside to sit up in? Thanks again

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You can definitely sit in it. Obviously the center is tallest point. I haven’t been in a tipi so that’s why I am conflicted. I did go inside, for two people it would be comfortable. Three would be tight but do able.
My opinion is two guys with gear would be tight. Non negotiable with stove and two

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Yeah that last picture makes it look much much smaller than I was thinking it was. Looks like there is no way you could get 2 guys and a stove in there
I scouted out of it this weekend. I was super happy with it. In my opinion you could do 3 guys and the stove. It would be tight. Two guys and a stove is very doable.
Have used extensively for up to 5 nights at a time solo in a wide range of conditions. Probably better shelters for the msrp, but I got it for a huge discount. Great for 1 and gear in 3+ season use. Someone posted that it'd be suitable for 2, gear and stove, which I strongly disagree with. There would be no room without contacting sides, no wood storage, etc. I wouldn't bother using with a stove, this isn't a 4 season shelter that had any business with a stove. Also, as a single wall, condensation happens, but is easily mitigated.

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So I know this an older thread. I can get a discount on one of these and was considering the refuge with a Lite outdoors 12” stove. Anyone have anymore insight into how usable that would be for 2 average guys. The plan is that it would be used for two guys to sleep/ cook/ relax in while gear gets stored in another tarp set up. If solo then just me + gear.
So I know this an older thread. I can get a discount on one of these and was considering the refuge with a Lite outdoors 12” stove. Anyone have anymore insight into how usable that would be for 2 average guys. The plan is that it would be used for two guys to sleep/ cook/ relax in while gear gets stored in another tarp set up. If solo then just me + gear.
I have one , it will work just fine with exactly what you described . I have run it several times on different trips with and without a stove with 2 people . I think 3 would be tight. But that's every tent maker. lol. I don't know what children sized adults they use to take the person ratings , but they aren't right. A 1p is a coffin, 2p is a 1 person with room to turn over , and a 3p is a nice 2p. lol I have had that tent is some high winds and Im really loving it the more I use it . ITs very versatile in my opinion. Are there better, yes . But they will cost you ALOT more . but these work really good and you can work your way into them by buying a piece at a time . Just my 2 cents .
Appreciate the input. I just want a nice little stove and tent. Most often it’s just me and occasionally it’s one other person. Didn’t want to haul a SO cimmaron or something for just me.
I had one and overall it was a good tent. Then last year on an Elk hunt a black bear decided to jump on it and ripped it up beyond repair.
I liked it but wouldn’t say I loved it.
It will fit two people and gear no problem due to having the two vestibules. As far as three guys that’s a stretch. Quality was good overall but I don’t think it’s in the league of a Kifaru or Seek.
The walls are quite steep and with the bug net installed it was amplified. Mainly due to the fact that the inner tent didn’t have any attachments to the the tarp at the side guy out locations so it just seemed to drape down the side walls.
I never ran it with a stove but agree with what has been said above. Two guys and a stove would be asking for trouble in my opinion. There’s just not enough room to keep your gear from getting burnt.
I know it’s hard to get that type of square footage with a stove option and come in at that awesome weight. But if I was looking to go that route again I would take the small weight penalty and go with a sawtooth and know you have a bombproof shelter that can handle a stove.
I have slept in one and have spent many nights in a tipi. Myself (5’11”) and wife (5’). It wasn’t too bad but would be tight with a stove, woodpile and gear. If I remember correctly we had to keep packs outside. One person with gear and stove to me is more realistic. I prefer tipi style floorless options over this for 2 people.
I had one and overall it was a good tent. Then last year on an Elk hunt a black bear decided to jump on it and ripped it up beyond repair.
I liked it but wouldn’t say I loved it.
It will fit two people and gear no problem due to having the two vestibules. As far as three guys that’s a stretch. Quality was good overall but I don’t think it’s in the league of a Kifaru or Seek.
The walls are quite steep and with the bug net installed it was amplified. Mainly due to the fact that the inner tent didn’t have any attachments to the the tarp at the side guy out locations so it just seemed to drape down the side walls.
I never ran it with a stove but agree with what has been said above. Two guys and a stove would be asking for trouble in my opinion. There’s just not enough room to keep your gear from getting burnt.
I know it’s hard to get that type of square footage with a stove option and come in at that awesome weight. But if I was looking to go that route again I would take the small weight penalty and go with a sawtooth and know you have a bombproof shelter that can handle a stove.

Probably good for two guys + a stove if gear like packs and rifles were stored in a separate shelter? Reason I ask is that most often the second person can Carry my mtn shelter tarp for gear. 75% of the time I’m solo though hence looking at smaller options.
Probably good for two guys + a stove if gear like packs and rifles were stored in a separate shelter? Reason I ask is that most often the second person can Carry my mtn shelter tarp for gear. 75% of the time I’m solo though hence looking at smaller options.
Possibly. Getting the gear out would definitely make room for fire wood but just remember the stove is a bit offset to one side and who ever is sleeping on that side would run the risk of the their sleeping pad and bag always coming into contact or very close to a hot stove.
Plus if you are bringing another tarp for gear that’s adding more weight to your system bringing you closer to the weight for a better suited option.
See pic for reference

Don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to push you away from the Kuiu tent. I think one person gear and a stove it is a great option. But once you add the second person and still want to run the stove, in my opinion you would be best to go with another option.
Ok. I’m convinced of looking at other options, lite outdoors and seek are now on the list. Thanks for all info!
What is a better option. I need full liner (floor and mesh. Under $500 I have a floor less I don’t sleep good in it. Been looking at this Nemo hornets and BA scout single wall. Looking to be under 4lb with full closure.
What is a better option. I need full liner (floor and mesh. Under $500 I have a floor less I don’t sleep good in it. Been looking at this Nemo hornets and BA scout single wall. Looking to be under 4lb with full closure.

For a non stove option I love my Nemo Hornet 2p. Very light and very stable in harsh winds. Honestly I’ll keep using it exclusively when I don’t need a stove and may end up using it this year in the snow but I really want a stove setup for cold weather hunts.
Nemo specs seem too good!! I use trekkers (in and out I don’t hunt with them) so I have a urge to capitalize on them for sleep. Non stove CA AZ and oct Utah. No need for stove. Sorry to hijack. I can get $100 a kuiu that’s why I’m on this thread. Appreciate the info