I had a good experience with their customer service going above and beyond the other day. I had been searching online for a while for a place I could buy some of those duraflex gatekeeper tensionlock buckles that Kuiu uses- the ones with the little metal clip on the end that you squeeze and it pops open. They are the perfect thing for a number of applications, especially matching up various bags and frames. Turns out there is no one who sells them to the public in small quantities. Finally I emailed Kuiu customer service and asked if they would sell me some. I half expected them to say that I was welcome to buy one of their replacement hardware kits. However, the wrote back and asked how many I wanted. I said 6 of the 3/4" and 6 of the 1". They said that would be 10$ shipped! I was pretty happy to hear they would do that for me. He also went out of his way to help me with the payment process. He wanted me to call in to pay with a card, but since I'm overseas right now and our internet wasn't working very well I couldn't call, so he helped me pay using email. I really appreciate them helping me even though it was something really small and it's not like they really made any money off that sale.