kuiu backorder times

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I just ordered an XL bino harness and it was here in 3 days. This was my 4th order from them and I haven't run across a back order yet. Guess I'm just lucky.

My attack pants are literally the most comfortable pant I've ever worn. I'm going to order a pair in solid and see if I can pull them off as daily wear.
I have a few KUIU products, and really like them, but I'm trying to buy some more and literally cannot do it. I don't know what the answer is, but I know that this system isn't working very well (from a consumer standpoint).

Inventory costs money, but so does the fact that rather than me getting the Kenai jacket, I got the Nano Air. Rather than waiting on back order for the Kenai gloves in M, I simply cancelled my order (L didn't fit so sent back). And rather than the Chugach, I went with First Lite. And rather than order the new hoodie that Jason was wearing in the video yesterday, I went with something from Ice Breaker because I can get it in 3 days rather than waiting on some unknown back order time when it finally does get released. I would totally understand if I were 6'8" and 350#, but I'm 5'11" and 160#, and a M or L in everything (aka...pretty common sizing).

So now I wait for the hip belt pouches (they have the left, but not right), the new load hauler and the Yukon Pro gloves. They aren't anything that I *need*, per say, but I want them. Because of the way their shipping charges work, I'm not placing the order until everything is in stock. And unfortunately given the track record, that might not ever happen.
I really like the design of the tent. As much as I dislike kuiu it's the only tent I've found with the features Im looking for. Ever since the whole tent leaking thing has happened they've disappeared. I just hope they plan on fixing the problem and reintroducing the tent. (Preferably without leaks)
I think they had a few issue's with the tent! I believe they re working out the issues.
I just placed another KUIU order and I'm being told 3-4 week BO on medium Vias super down pants. Kind of hard to complain though, as I have a lot of KUIU apparel and, this is the first thing that I've had to BO.
Lip Ripper. They have never charged me shipping twice when I order or back order items together and they choose to ship them seperate. Just my experience
Their is currently 15 ships near seattle waiting to be unloaded, atleast 5 of them have been anchored since before Christmas. I don't see anyone's inventorys gettingbetter till after the slowdown is over, unless you buy American.
Reading these posts makes me wonder just one thing....How in the world does this company remain in business?!
Reading these posts makes me wonder just one thing....How in the world does this company remain in business?!

Because they produce a good product. I've got just about everything they make and I've yet to wait for any product on BO other than their zip off merino bottoms. And I wear Large and Mediums which are common sizes. People will always find a reason to gripe about something.....
I don't know, I'm really trying to get Kuiu, but seriously it is difficult. I have been able to buy a couple of things second hand that I like, but since last October I have been able to order exactly 0 things that i was interested in. I was hoping to get a pair of attacks, guide pants. The truth is that because virtually nothing is available from Kuiu, I (and tons of others) will go buy Sitka, First Light. If you're buying lightly used stuff second had, Kuiu doesn't really have a price edge either, which is one of their selling points. YMMV
I really like the design of the tent. As much as I dislike kuiu it's the only tent I've found with the features Im looking for. Ever since the whole tent leaking thing has happened they've disappeared. I just hope they plan on fixing the problem and reintroducing the tent. (Preferably without leaks)

i had both the 1p and 2p. spent around 30 nites in them and they past all tests for me in washington. the strength to weight is hard to beat. simple to put up, comfortable, liked the grey color, was nice instead of a inner like hillberg's yellow inner. i still am having a hard time finding any tent i am willing to buy over these for the hunts i do. i prefer ridge tops, usually with one small larch tree or a rock to break wind off one side. never had any bad feelings in them, spent multiple days in them a few times, rained and fogged out with winds ripping..... rock solid. will never buy another tent that has a fly that attaches to the outside of the pole structure. this tent sold me on that. i sent both back due to a design flaw and was an easy refund. they will be releasing them again i was told.

my issues were that the caribeener/clips that you crossed the poles into on the ends and top were not properly sewn into the fly. they had mass stress in a way that was pulling on them in the end tearing. if that was re worked i would buy both again. next month the hillberg enan will be released via hillberg conversations i had so i will buy one of those to get by untill the new tents released, everytime i get in one the yellow inner pisses me off though.... guess im yellow sensative. kuiu told me the 2p will be even lighter.
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